8 mins read

Once again, the atmosphere at the venue boiled up with amazing cheers! The exciting scene made some girls with stage fright straighten up a little.

"Let’s go don’t have so many concerns to let opponents see us timid but no! Then let’s let my dear family win! "
"yes! ! ! ! !”
All the dependents led by Leah walked out of the passage against the harsh light!
"Come on, please welcome all the family members of Gumongli to move to their positions."
When the host woke up, he suddenly looked towards the center of the arena, where two pieces of suspended rocks, Seraog and his family, were already hovering along the spiral steps in the east. After they came to the position, a huge magic screen was set up at the venue, and a gorgeous man with a headset appeared!
"Good evening, everyone! Tonight’s game will be broadcast live by me-Nawood Kamijin, the former 72-day-old Kamijin family! "
The voice fell and the venue cheered again! The original seventy-two columns were broadcast live by famous people! Still very excited for ordinary demons.
"Let me introduce you. The judge of tonight’s competition is Decca Roger Couloy!"
The silver-haired young man appeared in the Chinese Rubik’s Cube with an elegant face. Dika Roger Couloy officially ranked the seventh strongest in the competition and the only demon in the top ten who was reborn from human beings.
"Then there are special guests! Today, we are fortunate to have the fallen angel governor Azazeru, and we will explain it. Governor Azazeru, hello, please take more photos when you meet for the first time! "
Then a familiar face appeared on the magic screen
"I want you to take more photos."
"Governor Azazeru and the leaders of various forces of Lord Sasakers are very close, and they are well-known in the industry in terms of artifact research. What do you think of your exclusive consultant for today’s game?"
"I hope I don’t make too much trouble. It’s best to stop at both sides."
Azazeru shrugged and said so, and Ye Yu knew who he said touched his nose and looked at Fenrir, the wolf who killed God around Leah.
I almost forgot about this wolf. It seems that … it’s a hard battle for the opposite side if you don’t do it yourself, right?
Chapter 337 Special rules
When Azazeru finished, the camera moved to the other side
It was a long gray hair and gray eyes with a calm smile. As soon as the man appeared, the whole venue broke into the highest cheers ever.
"At the same time, we also invited another guest! Class demon ranks first and is now king! Emperor! Mr. Dihaze Belial! "
Professional ranking champion! The emperor is also the ultimate goal of the strongest king, Seraog!
"Hello, I’m Dihaze Belial, please take more photos."
Smile heartily. From that point of view, N1 in this ranking competition is different.
"Then let’s listen to the views of the ancient Monterey team consultant, Governor Azazeru, and the Baal team consultant king on this game."
"It’s surprising that the Gumongli team is the strongest team. Is it individual ability or teamwork ability?"
Without hesitation, Azazeru put away his smile and made a decisive evaluation.
"I think the Seraog player’ Wang’ is excellent and worth looking forward to!"
The emperor Dihaze Bailey al also said with such a smile.
While Leah silk has been seriously looking at the picture.
"Diha ze Bailey al? What does this so-called emperor king mean? "
"It was only by winning the first place in qualifying that I was able to get the title, which is also the goal I have been striving for. This title is worshipped and respected by demons like the devil!"
Leah was so excited that she said that this king is the girl’s goal in the future. Leah’s dream is to win the highest title in the competition, and to achieve this goal, the last obstacle is this king …
Leah’s face was full of determination.
"I will definitely defeat him in the future, but now the key is to defeat the strong enemy in front of us, otherwise there will be no place for me to realize my dream."
"Rest assured that your dream will come true, I promise you."
Ye Yu said with a smile and Leah silk also nodded a face of confidence.
The explanation is continuing.
"First of all, let’s talk about the tears in Phoenix."
The magic medicine for instantly curing all injuries has a direct effect on the tactics of the whole game, and Leah has always been very concerned about it.
"As you all know, because the terrorist group’ disaster group’ has created a series of terrorist incidents, all forces are very nervous, and the demand for tears has greatly increased, so it is very difficult to prepare tears for the game … but!"
The host held out his hand in the huge picture and then appeared there. It was very expensive and there were two bottles in the box.
"It’s time to be the master of the Phoenix family in tears. Thank you for always supporting the two camps of Balu and Gumongli. You expect each team to have a bottle of tears to support this competition!"
Hearing the news, the venue was boiling again.
I have to say that this is good news for Leah. This important medicine is naturally reserved for the king, and Ye Yu’s strength can even endure the tears of Phoenix. Many people still remember this.
And after the magic medicine, the explanation also began to say the most important thing.
"Besides, there are special rules in this game!"
Ye Yu is not surprised at this point. The reason is very simple, because no matter how you look at it, the strength gap between the two sides is too big. Not to mention that Ye Yu is this Fenrir wolf, it is enough for the demon king level to stand.
Let alone easily beat the Fenrir Wolf to death, Ye Yu, the level of fighting power beyond the theory.
In order not to crush the game too early and create something dramatic, it is necessary to formulate special rules of the game.
"Before announcing the special rules, please allow me to talk about the competition process first! This competition is not pursued by all members of the team in the stadium, but in the form of a competition! In order to satisfy us, the audience will have a short-term decisive battle! Although the contestants are all young demons, this competition mode is the professional competition mode of the demon! "
The host continued to say this, while Ye Yu turned over a supercilious look. He always felt that he had no chance to play, but Leah’s eyes were dignified over there. I’m afraid she also thought of something.
Then the special rule says go on.
"Then there are special rules for this game! Please move the’ king’ of both camps to the special setting platform. "
Leah silk and the other position, Serra Og, moved to the front of their respective positions.
Several machines appeared at the setup desk.
The camera is also aimed at the setting table, where the dice appear.
"There are dice! This is the special rule key! The rules of this competition are officially ranked as one of the main competitive events in the competition! ‘die·figure’!
"die·figure ………."
Knowing what this is, Yuuto Kiba began to explain.
"there are many special game rules in the real ranking competition, which we used to be relatively common. Besides that, there are dice like this one or a banner in the center of the competition field for both sides to compete-the game rule called’ Slable Flag’ and’ Die Figure’ are the most representative games to make dice play."
"It won’t be that each family member represents a number and then throws it to someone?"
Ye Yu so curious asked Yuuto Kiba nodded again.
"Yes, that’s the rule."