10 mins read

High IQ and low EQ are in an environment that is not suitable for their own age, and it is easy to feel lonely, but it will become a tragedy because of the pressure of public opinion and the name of genius

Therefore, the Ministry of Education stipulates that public schools are no longer allowed to skip classes.
Drop out of school?
Su orange once had this idea, but in the sweet shop, whenever a guest praises her, her mother will show happiness and satisfaction. Maybe in her heart, her daughter is her pride!
"The oranges are getting more and more beautiful. It’s amazing to hear that the grades are particularly good!"
"You flatter me."
"This child is more sensible than children of the same age since I grew up, and she will definitely have a future."
Mother seems ten years younger when she smiles.
Mother is used to treating her as a spiritual pillar. If I say out my thoughts about dropping out of school, I’m afraid it will make my mother sad!
Now a sophomore in high school.
There is still more than a year before graduation. I hope this period will pass quickly!
After washing, Su Orange sits at the table covered with pink and blue tablecloths. Breakfast is usually milk and leftover cakes sold in the sweet shop the day before.
Noon lunch is specially made the night before, and dinner is packed in a lunch box and kept fresh in the refrigerator.
If there is anything in particular that Su Orange doesn’t like to eat, it is that sweet people have been reborn, but their tastes and preferences have not changed, and she is the daughter of the proprietress of the sweet shop. Their family conditions are not qualified to be picky now!
Facing the expectant eyes of mother, Su Orange can always eat a very happy and satisfied expression. If mother knows that she doesn’t like dessert and prepares other breakfasts, she will take up more, so increase family sales! Su pomelo, on the other hand, didn’t bother her so much. She was simply addicted to sweets.
If there is any attachment to past lives, besides his girlfriend Mu Xue, soy milk fritters are the most common in breakfast shops.
It’s a pity that there are always few requirements for a child who grew up in an orphanage … What a joke!
The third chapter to save the little girl
Su orange machinery tries to ignore the sweet and greasy taste in the mouth after breakfast.
My mother left a note on the refrigerator, and my daughters and mothers went out to work. In addition to lunch, there are fried chicken legs in the refrigerator, and everyone should work hard today! Love your mother _
She and her sister are both adults, and their mother still treats them as children.
Perhaps fried chicken legs are nothing common for the rich, but they are a little extravagant for their families.
Seeing the smiling symbol expression behind the post-it note, Su Orange could not help but smile at the corner of her mouth. Unfortunately, she couldn’t see how beautiful she was when she smiled. She used to have a cold and cheerless expression, and she would still show her naive side in front of her mother!
There is a photo of her family of three in a small photo frame in the refrigerator. The woman with brown-red hair and gentle eyes is her and Su You’s mother Meihua.
Mother’s optimism can always infect people. Although Su Orange was born in a single-parent family, she never felt that she lacked anything. She felt that her mother was too hard.
Su orange, her father, has never seen her. It is strange that what kind of man will disappear when his wife is pregnant and leave for more than ten years.
Pack the lunch into a backpack and fry the chicken legs. Let’s stay for dinner!
Wrap the two chicken legs and put them in the freezer with other fresh meat so as not to be destroyed in one breath after being discovered by Su pomelo.
Do a good job of hiding fried chicken legs. Su Orange went out refreshed.
Because it is still early from class, Su Orange is not in a hurry, and even walking slowly to school is more than enough.
In the early morning, the sun shines thinly through two rows of cherry trees along the road, and the weather in early spring is very suitable for sleeping in or going out for an outing.
It’s a pity that students in public schools and high school students are fully scheduled for their homework every day. When they get to the third year of high school, they will increase their morning reading and evening self-study for a month before they can rest for a day. I’m afraid I can live on campus then. I don’t know what to do without anyone to help my mother.
Of course, these are nothing to Su Orange herself. His former world has had morning reading and evening self-study since junior high school. Compared with now, study and life are already very relaxed, and she is used to living independently and living on campus, so it is of course no problem to save the trip.
The key is that now that she has a mother and a woman who loves her very much, how can she be as chic and free as before? There are naturally many things to consider.
Hurry up and find a job to earn money to support your family after graduating from high school.
This is the goal set by Su Orange. Anyway, she can’t let a weak woman support herself any more! At least he is also a "big man"! Twenty-two years in the previous life plus sixteen years in this generation is already an old man, about the same age as his mother. How can he continue to gnaw at the old?
What job are you looking for? It is the worst choice to give your mother a hand in a sweet shop.
Because we can’t afford expensive rent, some remote stores don’t have many customers, so we can keep some old customers and nearby residents by craft. Compared with those beautifully decorated stores, this small sweet shop is really inconspicuous!
Secretarial assistant is not her ideal choice either.
Or you can work as a salesman to make money faster. When the family conditions are better, you can set up a spacious and beautiful storefront in a busy area to give to your mother, and then hire someone to entertain guests.
A warm picture appeared in front of Su Orange. The guests in the tall and sweet shop pushed glass sliding door and two girls dressed as maids to bow together. "Thank you for coming inside, please!"
There are professional cashiers and students in uniform, dressed in maid clothes, pure, sexy, gentle and lovely, which will definitely attract more guests.
In this way, the store allows guests to enjoy dessert and afternoon tea comfortably, and then play some relaxing music to feel the sunshine reflected from the clean glass window, which is simply-perfect!
Mother’s rented store is limited, so there are certainly few simple guests who can pack and take out food!
Every time I go shopping and pass by someone else’s beautiful sweet shop, my mother will say, if only we could have such a store sometime! So many customers will definitely get a good income. Maybe when you marry your sister, your mother can give you a decent set of jewelry dowry like other mothers.
Su orange is not interested in jewelry after dowry. It’s just mother’s wishful thinking! Since she likes sweet shops so much to help her mother realize her dream, she will be very happy!
The most difficult thing to do is to like your mother. What a satisfying woman!
Sue orange thinking unconsciously has reached the school near a white zebra crossing is facing the school gate.
I looked at my watch and it was still loose for fifteen minutes.
People on the road are bustling with cars. It seems that everyone is in a hurry!
Seeing the red turned into a green light, Su Orange became a zebra crossing. She is a strong person with a sense of time and rules.
As soon as I got to the middle of the road, a red sports car sped up. Pedestrians gave an exclamation and fled everywhere. Seeing a little girl in a pink junior high school just stood still seems to have been scared silly.
Sue orange did not think much of a fly and threw herself on the ground with a girl in pink school, and then quickly rolled to the roadside.
The red sports car, which had just been evacuated from the danger zone, ran like an off-line arrow, and then creaked and stopped and crossed the road.
"Are you all right!" Sue orange looked at the little girl who had been petrified in her arms, just like a frightened deer, and her big eyes were full of horror.
Facing Su Orange, the girl just came to her senses. "I … I’m fine. Thank you for saving me."
"Do you want to go to the doctor’s office to check one?"
The girl shook her head and looked at Su Orange’s skinned leg. "I’m fine but your knee …"
"I’m fine. It’s almost time for class. Get up!" Sue orange got up and stretched out a white and slender hand to the girl.
The fourth chapter is a once-in-a-century scene
I really don’t understand what the school stipulates that girls must wear short skirts. If they are like boys, their trousers will not be scratched today.