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Not to mention his own fate, this time he is also bound to the fate of Xixia

He knows how to get the boat out of the boat. I didn’t expect the country to be finished. have no martial ethics said that he would hit him and he was not prepared at all.
Of course, hasty preparation can’t change anything, so he defeated resistance, and the war was almost over in less than 20 days.
Can Xia Guo survive after World War I?
Will Su Yonglin allow the little emperor of Xia to continue to be the emperor and lead Xixia?
How will he arrange to be beaten to the end by him?
Or will he directly begin to recover this land lost by Han Chinese politics for hundreds of years?
Dejing knows nothing and can’t guarantee anything, but at this point, Dejing still doesn’t intend to surrender.
He is a cold-blooded political creature. The last thing a cold-blooded political creature can do is sacrifice.
There is no word sacrifice in his dictionary. He will not sacrifice, and he will never sacrifice with others. He sacrifices without others.
It is purely wishful thinking to expect him to surrender the whole imperial city in order not to be ruined.
If he is not in charge of Xixia, what is the need?
No matter how strong, harmonious and peaceful Xixia is, what’s the point if he is not in charge and if he is not the ruler?
If the country wants me to die, let everyone in the whole imperial city die with me.
Chapter 796 Don’t respect to die.
Respect, persist and resist in the face of death
He made the city garrison fight for the glory of the summer and announced that his reinforcements were moving quickly to the imperial city and were on their way to Qin Wang.
Then he gave the huge wealth he gained by killing all the royal family and opposition ministers to the 40 thousand defenders of the city and ordered them to eat meat and drink.
The defenders were rewarded, the food was improved, and they were inspired to have a little morale, so they decided to defend the city.
Looking at the Xixia army Chengtou action, Su Haisheng knew that Jing would not surrender.
Since it is impossible to surrender, it is better to surrender ordinary soldiers and grass-roots officers in Xixia.
Considering that there are not only Han Chinese but also Tangut people and other miscellaneous Hu people among the ordinary soldiers and grass-roots officers in Xixia, it is tantamount to persuading them to write Chinese characters and Tangut characters, and the officers and soldiers who can read and write in the army have helped prepare more than 3 thousand copies together
Before the war, the army catapulted the Ministry of Education into the city.
The exhortation to surrender is written in a solid way, and it is clear to the soldiers and small officers of the city garrison that their positions are considered.
You guarding the city gang have to respect it, not you little emperors, but you have to respect it too.
You, your family and friends will face death and still live well.
The big army should be respectful of guilt and be with his comrades. It is forgivable for the soldiers and grass-roots officers not to be guilty.
I want you to surrender and not fight the big army, but when these things never happened, you lived in Japan before the war and you still lived after the war.
Or there are brave soldiers among you, but a big army can beat the city gate or capture it with respect, which is regarded as a great contribution, and the great emperor will reward you by knighthood.
Don’t respect death.
You have to die with respect, you won’t appreciate it, you will think it’s a matter of course.
Think about his luxurious life, his daily enjoyment of power and status, his splendor, his ostentation and extravagance.
Now you can’t protect yourself and your relatives and friends, but you have to fight for honor and wealth?
Will he share the wealth with you after winning the war? Will he let you enjoy a little bit of his splendor?
Don’t you still have to be beaten and scolded by officials and instructed to do things at will? You have no dignity like livestock.
It’s different when you fight big.
After the war, you are willing to be a soldier, but you can continue to be a soldier. If you don’t want to be a soldier, you can go home to farm, work and do business.
You can distribute land, you can distribute houses, cattle and farm tools, but you can reduce taxes and make your life better than before.
The big army won’t beat and scold you, won’t bully you, you can even read literacy culture here and see the world.
Of course, the big army not only has a salary, but also can eat meat, vegetables and fruits regularly, which will never let you manage enough food.
The big army’s own reputation swears that you should abandon it with respect and follow the big army, and the big army will never break its word.
But the big army waited for the last twelve hours
When the last twelve hours arrive, the big army will not accept the surrender, and all the consequences will be borne by yourselves. Your own deaths and the deaths of relatives and friends are caused by you, and the big army will not be responsible.
You have to die with respect. You won’t appreciate it. You won’t remember you. You will die for nothing.
Few soldiers at the bottom can read. It is the same whether they are Han Chinese or Tangut people. The fate of the bourgeoisie is probably the same ethnic composition.
All these persuasion articles are mainly aimed at the grass-roots officers who know some characters in the city. Of course, it does not rule out that some soldiers also know some characters.
These people are at the bottom of the army and the vast majority of them. The persuasion against them can have the greatest effect and shake the morale of the defenders in the city to the greatest extent.
Otherwise, a large number of surrender papers entered the city and scattered the city walls. Many Xixia soldiers picked up a piece of paper and looked at it in black and white. I didn’t know what it was written.
But it doesn’t matter. Soon, literate officers and soldiers looked at it and fell into deep thought. This paper wrote down what they were doing.
While the soldiers at the bottom are curious even though they can’t read, they ask literate officers and soldiers, and some of them tell them the paper army’s surrender letter, let them know and think, and then broadcast it further.
By the time the city’s senior army knew the news and immediately sent someone to collect the surrender message, the surrender message had been broadcast on a large scale in the city’s garrison.
An important core of persuasion is who they are fighting for.
This problem was pointed out in the article of military persuasion and surrender, which caused quite a few people to think and be confused.
But for the military high-level, the army has lost thinking and confusion, which is a great event and a deadly thing.
I have to respect and know this.
He read the surrender article and was horrified to find that the army was killing him.
They actually threw out the super bond proposition of who is fighting!
Of course, it is impossible for him to share his wealth and power with grassroots officers and soldiers.
But if the grassroots officers and soldiers are really shaken, he can go to the funeral in situ.
Frightened, he banned the soldiers from broadcasting the message of surrender for the first time and sent his own pro-health forces to supervise the team, allowing the soldiers to tell each other.
Whoever broadcasts the article of surrender will report it to the inspector team and get a reward. He can even join the inspector team to supervise his soldiers.
In this way, the propaganda in the Cao Cao army was suppressed to some extent, and some villains who valued immediate interests reported their companions, thus gaining the opportunity to join the supervision team and obtaining a "new life"
However, people’s hearts have their own justice, and they can’t control their mouths, but they can’t control their minds. The news is very fast, and everyone is not stupid. They just didn’t think so much before.
Now considering and looking at the majestic outside the city to prepare for the Qi army, their hearts are constantly shaken.
In the final analysis, most of this garrison troops are people from the city department and surrounding areas, and their families are likely to be threatened by the army’s attack, and even if they are well defended, they can’t guarantee that their families will not be hurt.
And the army’s inquisition has to be respected, and the dog fights the man around him with everyone.
It is also said that since ancient times, these pathetic soldiers have rarely been accepted if they want to surrender, because it is boring to kill them and it is easy to cause group panic
Is it worthwhile for many people to think about it with respect?
Chapter 797 Warmly welcome the army into the city
The answer to this question is obvious.
Many soldiers look at them with strong dissatisfaction because of hatred when the dogs are fighting and the teams are habitually bullying in the army
Finally, at two or three o’clock in the afternoon, a soldier guarding the city was accused of privately discussing the matter of the army’s surrender, and then he was killed by the team.
The overseers hung him up, stripped him naked, and beat him until he was bloody, and then they slashed him, saying that they wanted to cut every piece of his body to let everyone know what it was like to violate the prime minister.
To say that the former group of soldiers who were treated as monkeys must be scared to death, so they dare not violate the respect requirements again.
But this time it’s different. Looking at the tragic situation of the executed soldier, a soldier really couldn’t stand it. He got up and begged them not to be so cruel.
"He has made meritorious deeds and killed traitors, and he deserves to be comforted rather than killed."
The leading officers of the supervision team laughed at this.
"The meritorious military service? No matter how big the meritorious service is, it violates the order of Xiangguo and is a traitor! He killed a traitor, didn’t he? Now he is a traitor! How do you want to be a traitor? "
"That’s not what I mean. I mean, don’t be so cruel. He’s our colleague at least!"