17 mins read

In the core of the ghost mark, there are black and purple low-light radiation everywhere, which makes the whole thing strange, but these are all cold light and dark light, which is not like the star light, giving people the feeling that it is cold except death.

"Oh my God! Strong radiation, no wonder there are so many mutant insects, "said the incarnate son, flying to the front of the screen to analyze the data.
Lin momo sat there smoking seemingly leisurely. In fact, there was a slight crack in his palm, and your eyes were observing the movement outside the ship.
Suddenly, the Phantom of the Opera passed through a layer of shadows, and the gravity outside the ship was suddenly reversed, which made the incarnate son feel very uncomfortable.
"What the hell? The data didn’t say that there would be a gravity disorder. "The incarnate son flew to Lin momo’s side and puffed up his pink mouth. The expression was cute and charming.
"Stop the ship first. There are many discrepancies in the information sent by Mufeixue in the ghost mark. I want to take a closer look." The hyphae in Lin momo’s cigarette holder pipe brought him a trace of tranquility, and his eyes suddenly widened.
Incarnate son doesn’t know what the captain saw, but Lin momo’s complexion is getting worse and worse. Does Mufeixue harm the fleet of the Tenchu? This woman is very scheming. Since the opposite of Mu Wanhua is not impossible.
"If I didn’t guess wrong, maintaining the stability here is because Mufeixue will cause gravity disorder when we are looking for entropy iron meteorites. We don’t have a second chance to take enough iron meteorites at one time, so let Mujia’s adventure plan be ruined." Lin Sisuo explained to Mei Er in detail what he saw. Although the risk of this adventure has increased, the more challenging it is, the more he can confirm his reputation as an adventurer.
Now this adventure king is Lin momo’s self-styled title. In fact, StarCraft does have this title, but it is a semi-lifetime reward given by the Adventure Association to outstanding adventurers. You must complete the adventure association every year to be called the adventure king.
Lin momo knows that the Miller family behind the moon star is closely linked with the adventure guild, and the quenched bird family also has a share in the adventure guild. Sooner or later, he will return to the adventure guild, and his goal is to win the title of adventure king.
Don’t mention Lin momo’s long-term plan. If the fleet can’t get through and finish the wood flying snow, it’s Lin momo who gets the dark soft phospholipids. This is the most deadly thing.
Soil huanxing enterprise group has a group of brothers waiting for Lin momo to prepare the antidote, while the second galaxy of the fleet finds those boys and girls from the battlefield with the same treatment scope.
How many people have been poisoned by the red storm? Lin momoshi doesn’t want to see the tragedy continue, so he wants to say no to the catalytic agent. He wants to overcome the difficulty of the catalytic agent and let as many victims live as possible.
An hour later, the Phantom of the Opera still took the lead, but the speed of the fleet slowed down, and every time it encountered a shadow area, it was necessary to be careful to avoid the past and encounter gravity disorder again.
"Hey? Isn’t this the quiet mountain in Mufeixue’s data? How can it be here? " Incarnate son stare big eyes look at the screen.
There is a mountain hanging upside down outside the ship. This semi-crystalline and semi-rocky mountain should be deeper. I didn’t expect to meet it so early. It seems that the stability of the ghost mark is really problematic. I hope there will be no signs of collapse.
"Don’t make a fuss. This suspended mountain peak was captured by a gravity disorder area. I heard that Mujia Quiet Mountain has set up an observation network to let Lilith explore the past and try to figure out the situation in the past five years." Lin momo thoughtfully looked at the image and interpreted the whole ghost mark. The passage has changed beyond recognition. This result probably didn’t even occur to Mujia.
Lin momo immediately set the purpose of this expedition, and it is safest to make a fortune and leave, and remember to accept it when it is too good.
The "Blood Reward" is a scout ship of the Tenchu Fleet. Lilith is very courageous, or her psychological quality is super excellent. There is nothing wrong with always giving her a scout.
Incarnate’s close observation of the blood reward is slowly approaching the quiet mountain. Speaking of it, this mountain is really quiet, and there is not much life on the huge peak. Except for a small piece of red plants climbing on the ground in the north of the mountain, it is bare and even a valuable ore is not available.
It is not realistic to build a luxury palace here even if the Mujia is extravagant to build a three-canned house next to the mountain wall and a simple observation device.
Lilith returned soon. In addition to the observation records of Mujia outlets, she also brought back several red plants. Lin Sisuo has the habit of collecting bids anytime and anywhere. Every ship of Tianzhu Fleet has a transplant ecological box.
"The charm son asked us to take a look at what happened in the ghost mark in the past five years." Lin momo was very interested in the observation records, and the wooden family was worthy of the aristocratic family’s consideration of things, including exploring in the ghost mark.
"Well, this will be coded and unlocked according to the serial number given to us by Mufeixue." The charm son keeps jumping in an orderly way.
Mujia has its own set of effective security measures. They don’t give foreign forces an opportunity to take advantage, but the security level of observation outlets is very low. It takes ten days and a half months to crack them successfully.
When the most important part of the scanning record of Mei Er was intercepted and presented, the ghost mark of the second year was calculated from the wooden boat leaving Quiet Mountain and fell into chaos.
This kind of chaos not only comes from over-exploitation of entropy meteorite, but also from the war in which local mutant creatures attack each other.
The wooden family seems to have killed several remarkable creatures in the ghost mark, and as a result, their territory came out. Those living mutant creatures tried to expand their territory as much as possible, so they fought fiercely, making the ghost mark part smoky.
There are more than a hundred battles observed in the quiet mountain outlets alone. Lin momo wants to hunt a monster. What has hidden into the depths is actually because most of the shallow creatures have disappeared.
At present, the number of mutant organisms that can be left behind is very small, especially in the last year, when no killing battle was observed at the outlets, it has always been a terrible ghost mark, and many unique environments have also been devastated.
After learning these important information, the Tianzhu fleet continued to dive to the ghost mark for more than 100 kilometers, and the fleet encountered extremely chaotic gravity turbulence.
Phantom of the opera, sometimes big head rushed and sometimes tilted. Six star cruise ships seemed to climb slowly in the playground.
Star cruises can completely isolate the gravity outside the ship, which is a wide range of gravity. It is like breaking a mirror to show the shadow in front of you. You don’t know when you will follow the mirror and it is easy to get lost.
After all, the ghost mark is not like the starlight in the universe as a reference, and the gravity disorder brings a lot of inconvenience to sailing, especially in various force fields. The energy shield of Phantom of the Opera seems to be ravaged by many big hands and like a child playing with mud.
The number of total defenses is slowly dropping, and the Phantom of the Opera is still so predictable. In addition, the wooden house has previously explored the lonely and desolate area, and Lin momo doesn’t have much to gain.
Lin momo never likes others to draw paper paintings. He wants to try new explorations. He wants to find the products that even the wooden family is jealous of.
It is difficult to judge how deep the gravity disorder area is from a height. When the fleet dives to a certain depth, Lin momo discovers that these gravity disorder areas are really mysterious projections at the core of the ghost mark. If we can find a path from the projections, it will be of great benefit to the next exploration.
The Tianzhu fleet is divided into six or six star cruise ships, and it is difficult to move in different directions. Linxi asks for mapping the whole gravity disorder area.
You know, the core of the ghost mark is very dark, and the more serious the potential interference is, the more prepared it is. Even if there is no place, it will always be reassuring. If these veins are left alone, they will definitely regret it.
Seven hours later, Lin momo summarized the situation detected by each ship, and the mosaic pattern of the incarnate son slowly showed a strange scene on the screen.
"Boy, this is the location of the plate deep in the ghost mark? A total of ten layers is exactly corresponding to the old saying of hell. Lin momo’s eyes are burning with fighting spirit. He decided to sound out the ten layers of "hell" in this ghost mark
Volume 11 Hurricane! Adventure king. 653 ShiShan
The ghost mark is full of radiation and cold light. The fleet has dived for more than 30 thousand kilometers, but it still hasn’t touched the plate.
"Incarnate son pay attention to the arrival of the first floor plate. If I didn’t guess wrong, the first three floors of the ten-floor plate are the areas that Mujia once explored." Lin momo still sits firmly. He knows that the first three floors of the fleet should be very safe.
I have to say that there are a lot of luck in this expedition. In the past five years, the ghost marks have mutated creatures to compete for territory and constantly kill the sphere of influence. It is precisely because of the sudden change of the ghost marks that the most floors of the fleet encounter fewer obstacles and will be deeper than the Mujia exploration area.
As Lin momo estimated, the first three plates are lonely and desolate, and even the emblem of life is not available, as if the whole continent was broken. The tragic scene is hard to describe.
I don’t know the year and month in the shadow, but these gases may be toxic, but they give birth to all kinds of strange lives, especially those that have settled in the shadow for billions of years, especially those that have no time entropy, so the whole stability will be seriously damaged.
It is not surprising that the Mujia expedition fleet has taken away the meteorite from the first three plates.
The fleet has been diving along the cracks of the broken plates for a few hours, and then it comes to the fourth floor. The fourth floor is better than the third floor. Many mountains and rivers stretch across the ground. Although it seems like a wild scene, it is not as miserable as the first three floors.
Facing such a vast ground, the Tianzhu fleet gathered together to explore, and the thick scanning beam kept wandering in the mountains and rivers, and all kinds of feedback information were listed in front of the charm.
After comparative analysis, Mei Er came to the conclusion that "there are three places where the energy response is abnormal, and no similar phenomenon has been found in his position for the time being. I suggest that we focus on these three places to find resources."
"Very well, immediately inform everyone to prepare for the exploration. If there is any danger, I will come in person." Lin momo looked solemn since he decided to be an adventure king. Since his spirit of adventure was hidden in the bones of his incarnate son, he saw that people around him were willing to fight for their lives once and fight for a hundred times. What’s the same? I’m the only one who feels sorry. It’s the charm and the phantom.
When the screen moves slowly, it’s a little three seconds. It’s like watching her husband go to sea. My wife feels this way every time she takes an adventure. I don’t know if her husband can come back, but she has to let her husband fight in the wind and waves because of her livelihood.
"Don’t worry, I will definitely think of you and Phantom of the Opera, and you will die too. I won’t die easily." Lin momo’s tone is soft, as if she were saying a homely thing. However, he and the incarnate son both know that the ghost mark can make the wooden family fail several times, and the danger can be imagined. "You know, it’s good that people can’t have children, but you and Pei Lin’s children must be carefully raised. If I don’t have a constant wave of Shuren’s protocells as egg cells, it seems that there is a certain chance that you Incarnate son cocked his head to love and sigh seriously. The atmosphere in the master control room suddenly became strange.
"Ahem, this smoke is too choking for a generation. Isn’t it a little early to talk about it until I take the catalytic agent?" Lin momo was choked by the words of the incarnate son. God knows what goes on in the incarnate son’s little head every day.
Exotic love is common in human history. The difference between human beings is too great. When a tree ponders that a human is giving birth to a child, then I’m afraid both the tree and the person are abnormal. Anyway, Lin momo loves the charm more and more, and the charm can devote her life to Lin momo.
When the Tianzhu fleet came to the first place with abnormal energy, there was a hole that looked very deep. Neither the ship’s detection instrument nor Lin momo’s eyes could find out the scene inside the hole. "Boss, I’ll immediately send a UFO to hey hey, the latest model of Muwanhua is really interesting." Roderick appeared on the screen with a big smile. He couldn’t wait to test the reaction ability of the new UFO.
"It is better to be careful when manipulating and detecting flying saucers. This hole is very mysterious." Lin momo nodded his head and agreed.
Not long after flying out from Zeus, five disks are exquisite in size, half the size of an adult’s palm. When they move, they release a circle of force field to refract light for simple invisibility.
Roderick personally controls the detection of flying saucer, which is a hobby of his. He will feel the strangeness of new toys like a child playing with a remote-controlled flying saucer.
Because the interference in the underground cave is too strong, Zeus will lose contact soon when detecting flying saucers, but it doesn’t matter that the detection of flying saucers has turned to automatic exploration mode. Just wait for the results outside the underground cave of the fleet.
About ten minutes, the ground suddenly shook, and then great suction came out of the hole, as if trying to suck the Phantom of the Square in the hole.