23 mins read

"hum? If it weren’t for you garbage, would we die like brothers? It’s the end of humanity not to kill you!

"Leave them a few boxes. Don’t kill those mercenaries who run for their lives. Send the brothers’ bodies back to the Great Sage’s arms and go to the Great Sage’s paradise to take care of them!
What will happen to those fleeing mercenaries? Can they live in this forest full of Warcraft? More exciting later, please pay attention!
Chapter 12 Grafting
Chapter 12 Grafting
At last, a war broke out between the Barents Empire and the Lorelei Empire. The Temple of Light was in no mood to pay attention to this war and didn’t intervene to neutralize it. The guy was worried about fighting with Alfred, the leader of the Red Clan, who belonged to the country for half a century. The cavalry was sent to die. The Pope called it, but the hero around him made him feel confused for a few days.
I kept thinking about what Alfred, the leader of the red dress, said. Is it true that the magic weapon can’t play it? Who the hell is that teenager?
Although Alfred, the leader in red, was placed in the highest altar to maintain his life, seeing Alfred, the leader in red, begging for his life all the time made the pope feel unbearable. Finally, he had to fight in the black big room full of black magic to find a glimmer of life.
The inferno has remembered that when some magic soldiers and demons are disabled in the battlefield, they can combine the black magic Warcraft with some half-man, half-beast and magic things, and they can take a living person’s arm back to the red leader Alfred. Although he is naked, he can’t watch the red leader Alfred die in vain.
So the Pope decided to take Alfred, the leader of the red coat, to the unicorn horse, and then split the arms of a strong slave. It is for the black wizard not to look for the light, but to catch several prisons in the temple. Now the Pope is giving them an order to let them go if they can cure Alfred’s arms, or to publicly tie them to the cross and burn them.
"Haha, I didn’t expect you to claim to be God’s representative and still need our dark magic to laugh at the dead!" In a prison, the immortal said to a hierarch of the Temple of Light.
"Give me a mouth!" The leader of the temple of light ordered the family around him to say
"hey!" Support mouth
"If you don’t want to die, you have to do it according to the Pope’s orders, or you will give your soul to the protoss to play with!" This temple of light leader said to the dark master in the prison.
In this way, several dark masters joined forces to make a strong slave. It should be said that a certain family leader offended his family. The man who ended up in the light temple was caught in the light temple and became a slave. Now these dark masters cut his thick arms alive and made him faint with pain. When he woke up, he had no arms. Looking at his shoulders like a stick, those two flat wounds knew that light magic cured him.
"You demons are worse than inferno. Kill me if you dare, or I will take revenge someday!
"The loss of arms is as cunning as a knife. Life is worse than death. Slaves scold these self-proclaimed representatives of God.
"Hum is not a slave, no arms and no strength. How can you retaliate? Let you go if you contribute to the Temple of Light today! Somebody untie his slave ring and throw it out! " Beside the light temple captain said to him
The captain of the Temple of Light didn’t expect that if he was released today, he would be destroyed one day. A warrior without arms in the Temple of Light’s empire, the so-called Longyou Shoal, before he became a great player, would be famous as a powerful man all over the world. But where is his king? Is it Li Yun? It seems that the order has already been fixed.
It’s a good thing that once a gold-class family ended up wandering and begging on the streets, but his leg strength is still a little better, otherwise he would have been beaten to death by those street people. Facing today’s events, he felt bitter in his heart and asked me to express myself in words. If the creator gave him a choice, his first wish would be to kill all the temples of light.
At dusk, the horizon is covered with red clouds like fire, and the yellow light is dyed all over the Shan Ye Woods. The waves on the river reflect the soft evening sunshine.
Those children had already come from the river to wear clean clothes and then eat the food distributed by Li Juan, and then they meditated under the tree to stay for Li Juan and Jenny Nasha to talk about me. I was reluctant, but they went to the river and looked at the shore. I didn’t find anyone peeking at them.
So she took off her clothes by the river, and Jeannesa could undress herself, but Li Lian wouldn’t let her take it off herself, so she had to say something by herself. Although Li Lian had had sex with her twice, Jeannesa’s charming and beautiful figure made Li Lian feel horny and impulsive, especially jumping up to the ground with her face stupid.
"tear!" Tear up clothes
"What do you do? Why do you want to tear up my clothes? I have a dozen gold coins in this suit, you pervert. How can you compensate me? " Jenna Sally looked at Li Yugen instead of undressing him, but put her hand on her chest and tried to tear it off and said
"Half of the ring is your clothes. Besides, it must be wild to do that in the wild. This will be more exciting. Don’t go. It’s best not to resist or I’ll crush you and rape you!" Li Yun eyes looked at the pair of white rabbits jumped out from the inside and said
"You abnormal condition you necrosis! Ah! " Jeanna Sally’s small hands and powder fists kept pounding Li Yun’s strong chest face.
Invulnerability, Li Lian didn’t feel any pain at all. He let his Ssangyong go out to sea to catch a pair of plump white double peaks and hugged her tightly and kissed her. First, the pig mouth sealed the beautiful red lips and cherry small mouth to prevent her from shouting, and then he gently picked her up, whether her skirt was taken off or not, until Li Lian went to the river at this time.
Shy in the river, Jeanna Sally looks more charming and charming at dusk. Gently release her into the water. I don’t know if the white rabbits on her chest are a little too big or the fat is too high to float in the water. It’s the same with her long skirt. Li Cong holds her hands tightly and keeps sliding her skin and finally falls into the water. Her waist goes to her waist and gently pulls her nepotism.
Did the skirt water flow away towards the swim? Anyway, half of the ring is her clothes. If one or two clothes are missing, it’s a big deal. When I get to the border town, I’ll buy all the women’s clothes in the city, even if the skirt is off. Li Lian is welcome to take off her pants and take off her pants. At this time, there are really two naked bodies left in the water.
Fortunately, the depth of this stream is beyond the reach of adults, so you won’t see Li Yun and this devil-like figure, but let those small fish and shrimps in the river feast their eyes. Fortunately, there are no turtles in the river, or I don’t know if those turtles will swim to her pink buttocks and get them from the turtle shell.
"Don’t move yet, okay? Let me clean that place first and then play with you. I’m very uncomfortable in that place all afternoon!" Jennifer Sally told Li Yun to stop and said
"Well, I’ll wash it for you. Don’t look at me like that. Please believe that I will wash it for you more comfortably and cleanly than you!" Li Yun looked at the face flushed lover smiled and said
"Oh, no, I don’t want you to help me wash that place!" Janet Sally found Li Yun bad behavior and said
Chapter 13 Dacheng
Chapter 13 Dacheng
Saint Mary Demi and Lai Ai swim in the river to enjoy the nature. At this evening, the sun sets and the sun sets. At this time, one dress after another drifts from their faces. When they swim in the shower, their clothes are washed away by the water and they are salvaged. Not long after, Janet’s bust also floats over.
It’s okay. We’re all women. Let’s salvage it. Then there are the tiny pants, the clothes and pants of Li Luan. This time, St. Mary Demi and Lai Ai froze. How could two clothes fall into the water so coincidentally? Even the pants were so suspicious that they decided to swim to the surface to have a look.
When they swam to the swimming ear, they came to a woman’s bed and called it a tiny moan. They were very familiar with it. They listened carefully to it. It turned out to be Janet’s moan. Look closer. With the afterglow of the sunset from Jin Dian, they saw the huge talons behind Li Yun’s Jenny’s Sally pass through the front and tightly buckle the plump twin peaks.
Rings of ripples spread from the center of Janessa and Li Lian. Every impact is a splash. The waves are like jade and snow. Janessa put her arms behind her and held Li Lian’s neck tightly. She looked up to Li Lian’s neck and whispered to Li Lian to work harder.
"I didn’t expect Miss Jennifer Sally to be so dissolute and dare to do such a thing in the water. Isn’t she afraid that the small fish in the water will get into it? God, I admire them both so much! " St. Mary’s face is blushing like a red apple, not knowing whether it is shy or the setting sun shines.
"Let’s go swimming! Wait for him to scold you for disturbing his good deeds! " Lai Ai said to her
"Wait a minute. I’m still a virgin. Let me see it again. I don’t know what to do if I find my beloved man in the future!" Saint Mary said.
Louise is a nine-yin body, Jeanna Sally is also a nine-yin body, and both of them are dedicated to Li Yun, and Li Yun also absorbs the nine-yin true qi of their bodies. At this time, Li Yun’s true qi slowly enters a yin-flourishing period, and then it is added to Li Yun’s Jeanna Sally River. Doing this kind of thing makes Li Yun’s body cold and constantly expand, and his meridians have been running automatically for 24 hours, and constantly absorbing the aura in nature.
Doing this kind of thing in the water can make his body run faster. This plane is one of many elements. The whole river bed water element is constantly sucked into his body and harmonizes the meridians, making them like a huge river.
At this time, Li Xun felt that there would be a breakthrough in magic, so Jenny Natha hurriedly finished her love in the evening and then asked Pearl Krabs Nina Natha to take a shower and go to the shore to rest, while Li Xun remained in the same place and let the river at the waist constantly impact him. His eyes were tightly closed and he slowly realized that at this time, the body was full of qi, and when he searched, he felt a blue qi constantly entering from the outside.
"Eldest brother do? Did you see anything? The river next to him is frozen? " St. Mary saw that there was nothing to see when Janet was away from Li Xun, and that Li Xun was still in place, so she looked at it curiously and quietly and said
"Eldest brother can do? Didn’t he do that with Janet? What, the river next to him freezes? " Lai AI swam to St. Mary and asked
Sure enough, I saw Li Lian’s eyes closed there, and Jenny Nasha didn’t know when she went ashore to dress. When I saw Li Lian, the frost on the surface of the waist river slowly expanded from just a few square blocks of ice to more than a dozen parties, and the speed slowly spread. Li Lian was naked and half-naked, and the smoke was everywhere.
"What do you do? Come on, your boss wants to meditate on ice magic in the water. Come on, or it will be dangerous later! " Jeanna Sally got dressed and called them to the shore not far away.
Well, after they received the call from the old woman, the horse got out of bed in the river and looked around. The children went into silence like Li Yi, and no one was found, so they took off their clothes in a hurry and quickly changed into clean clothes to go to Jeannesa.
Women are just divination, especially St. Mary, a curious girl. Ma asked Jeanna Sha what it was like to do that with Li Yun in the water just now. Oh, my God! Jenna Sally heard her face blush and wondered if they had seen everything just now. It was the bad guy who told him not to do that in the water. No, wait a minute and give him some color when he comes.
There is no way for people to ask, and besides, everyone is a woman, and it doesn’t feel anything when we talk about it. So Janet pulled the three of them to the edge of the forest to pick up some dry wood and make a fire around this small fire, and slowly talked about some women’s events. However, St. Mary still asked Li Yi and Janet who did it in the river just now. Janet knew that if she didn’t talk to her about it, she would chase after it every day to ask how difficult it was for others to hear.
Jeanna Sally blushed and slowly recalled what happened just now and the situation in the small mountain village. She told them from the first day when Li Xun met her and her identity that the three of them knew that Jeanna Sally turned out to be a prostitute who didn’t sell herself, but the three of them didn’t look down on her because of her identity. She was heartbroken for Jeanna Sally and happy for Jeanna Sally, saying that Li Xun was devoted to her and loved her at all costs.
At this time, Li Yun absorbed a lot of water elements in the river, so he discharged extra cold air to make the river change into ice. Just now, when the water was still flowing, I saw that the whole river had turned into a piece of blue and white thick ice, and the cold air was floating from the ice.
"What if his grandmother’s present skill is a little cloudy?" Li Yun felt the situation in his body and thought to himself.
"The small practice" Absolute Forbidden "must achieve the harmony of Yin and Yang in order to achieve great success. Now you have run two women with nine yin bodies in a row. What you have to do now is to find a way to find masculine strength!" An old story echoed in Li Yun’s mind.
"Dacheng? Masculinity? Shengyin? " When Li Yun heard the words in his head, he thought of something and muttered this sentence.
"Yes, it is necessary to mobilize Yin and Yang to achieve great perfection. Now you are in a state of prosperity!" My mind is echoing.
In the ice, Li Lian kept thinking about these words in his mind, as if he had understood something, and the cold on the outer surface of his body was even more vented. Li Lian’s side was dozens of meters away from Fiona Fang, and the sunset afterglow of bleached snow was golden, which was beautiful and sacred, giving people a soft feeling.
Several women on the shore, although chatting, have always been very concerned about the changes in the river Li Lian. At this time, they saw the heavy snow around Li Lian, and they slowly approached to watch the beautiful and sacred snowflakes. When they approached, the cold became more and more pressing. It was very cold, and they watched quietly next to them. I didn’t expect that after a while, those snowflakes turned into black clouds in the middle of the day. The knives should be white narrow knives, and the skates with two fingers were densely packed and deeply inserted into the ice surface of the river.
I want Li Lian’s mind to lock in every place. These two-finger wide skates are ruining every inch. When Li Lian finds that four women are not near him quietly watching him, Li Lian’s mouth gently smiles. It should be said that it is a lewd smile. Li Lian’s right hand slowly points to them and flies to them with the knife ice. It is faster than they have not recovered. Their clothes are cut by these sharp skates!
"ah! Don’t …
"Abnormal guy don’t! Ah, my clothes!
Chapter 14 New Breakthrough
Chapter 14 New Breakthrough
It’s terrible. After Li Lian realized this trick, it was more powerful than the water magic spell. It was like a huge wave of ice skates attacking them like a huge wave. Their bodies were beautiful, exquisite, convex and concave, naked. Li Lian gently opened his eyes and looked at them. He saw their hands tightly covering their chests and faces, screaming in situ, and then ran to the Woods on the shore.
"Ha ha! Ha ha Shuang! " Li Yun laughed when he saw four round farts and pink buttocks hiding in the Woods.
"boom! Boom! " Ice crack sound
Li Yun drinks a lot! Hands held high to the sky, and the huge blocks around him slowly cracked and Li Lian’s consciousness controlled it to float slowly. It’s amazing that tens of thousands of tons of ice can float, so Li Lian’s skill has entered a new realm, but he is still miserable in the fifth day. However, the strength of the fifth day created a magical power and named it the ice realm.
"Let’s eat ice fish tonight!" Naked Li Guan in the riverbed looked up and saw many live fish and shrimps sealed in ice cubes floating tens of meters high.
"Give me a break!" Li Yun is another big drink.
Seeing Li Yun naked, he found a half-meter-wide knife gas hitting the middle ice, chopping the middle borneol and falling to the ground. There were square crystals in the ice, and a big fish was sealed in the ice for a while. There were several kinds of big fish in front of him, as well as many five-fingered rivers, shrimps, mussels and other plump seafood!
His grandmother made a fortune for this guy Li Xun, but you know that these are all natural creatures that have been born for several years or more. Don’t say that the mussels are bigger and longer than the 10-inch video monitor, which makes Li Xun wonder if there are any real pearls in them, but is it because of this? The river shrimp is even bigger than lobster, which has made Li Xun drool.
Li Yun put on the inner clothes of the ring, and then carried the square frozen river fresh in front of him to the five fingers to squeeze out dozens of tiny knives against the one-sided food in the acupuncture points such as Shaoshang Shaoyang Shangyang. These tiny knives are impenetrable and clean up the dirty river fresh in the frozen river, which should be said to be carved out.
"Are you all dressed? Get dressed and come and help me take these dinners to the shore! " Li Yun asked several women behind the trees on the river bank.
"Dead pervert, nuisance!" Saint Mary Demi and Lai Ai Jenny Nasha went over to the riverside Li Cong and scolded while tidying their clothes.
"This is the punishment for stealing just now so that you can know that stealing from my face is like that." Li Yun looked at St. Mary Demi and Lai Ai and said shyly.