12 mins read

"Uh-huh, get to the point," Chao Geng urged.

"This battle plan is to complete the individual action plan by myself, and these two pieces are decorated with special effects. I must be able to sneak into these five card fortresses by myself. After I succeed, your peripheral support will help me break through."
"Ah," Geng Chao sighed softly. "It seems that this method is feasible."
Determined the strategic policy of action, Qin Se Gu Yun quietly came to Ling’s side and looked quite resentful. He whispered to him, "Are you sure you want to act alone?"
"At present, I can bear this burden alone. Besides, it’s just a game. It’s no big deal to die, and the worst case is just failure."
"Ah," she lamented a little bitterness. She shook her head and didn’t say anything more. She clenched his broad and thick right hand without trace.
Feeling her heart, he smiled at her and nodded gently. He took the first step towards the first fortress when she let go of her right hand.
Looking at Ling’s fading figure, she looked quite complicated and her heart was very tangled, but she still comforted herself with Ling’s sentence, "This is a game, and the worst case is just failure."
"I’m less than 100 meters away from the fortress now, and the dim light can’t show my figure." Ling continued to take a few steps forward in the dark and then said, "I’ll cut off the connection and try to infiltrate. If I succeed, I’ll report the situation to you by myself."
"Good luck to you!" Chao Geng Shen said.
"Be careful in everything!" Xu told a way
"Request the line to be cut off and officially infiltrate!"
When he heard the midrange voice turn into a magnetic noise, he put away his external weapon and activated the special effect of the optical invisibility cloak. At this moment, he almost disappeared and perfectly integrated into the surrounding environment.
Chapter two hundred and fifteen Really exciting
The wonderful state of optical invisibility Ling sadly passed through a heavily guarded fortress and walked out of the sight of the sentry in the card. He took advantage of the invisibility effect to run wildly one minute before it failed, and only when a lush grove appeared did he slow down his progress.
After walking into the Woods, his invisibility just failed.
It took him a few breaths before he recovered.
Walking along the small forest, I’m about to walk out of a corner in front of the edge of the forest. I suddenly left. It looks like a patrol team.
Before their vision turned to the Woods, Ling suddenly fell down and shook the grass, making a slight noise.
"What person!"
The patrol team’s response is also extremely sensitive. The instantaneous gun is turned around and the gun is pointed at the source direction. Be cautious and alert.
Keep alert and gradually approach the source direction.
A moment later, they were more than ten paces away from Ling in the grass, and cold sweat instantly covered his forehead. At this time, the situation became more and more critical for him.
At this time, he had a brainwave and gently picked up the gravel bullet at hand and stirred up a slight whisper in the grass on the left.
Hearing this light sound, the patrol soldiers immediately turned their guns and walked in the direction of Ling’s guidance.
"Nothing seems to be a small insect animal." One seems to be the leader of this team. He still carefully looked around and confirmed that there was no one before he said, "It’s really a big stimulus these days. Even the small animals make us nervous. It seems that it’s time to relax."
The soldier next to the leader said with a flattering face, "Yeah, the first card didn’t come with a little warning information. How could an enemy sneak in? Unless they were all killed at the same time, there would be absolutely no one sneaking in quietly."
"Say yes."
After a while, after these people disappeared from Ling’s sight, he continued to lie in the grass and waited for ten minutes. When no one suddenly appeared again, he crept up.
At this time, he called up the map in his tactical glasses and found a suitable hidden forest 2 meters ahead of the corner. He calculated a distance and immediately activated the optical invisibility cloak effect.
As soon as I walked out of the corner, I saw the second five-person patrol team coming head-on. It was more than ten meters away from him. He crept to one side and clung to the mountain motionless, even the atmosphere dared not breathe.
The patrol team came slowly, but it didn’t seem to find the hidden shadows in the mountains. When the patrol team approached slowly, almost all of them could clearly smell their sweat. His hidden optical invisibility cloak was very clever and his cold eyes were a little nervous at this time, and cold sweat was all over his forehead.
Seeing that the patrol team was about to go to the corner, the soldiers suddenly looked nervous and trembled slightly. "You go first, I’ll take a piss with you."
"Good hurry!"
"I know!"
The soldier hurried to the shadow of the mountain, one meter away from Ling. Obviously, he didn’t know that just one meter away from him, an extremely fierce enemy was watching him nervously.
Shh, shh, shh.
Accompanied by a rather cheerful whistle, his body trembled slightly and quickly, and he successfully solved the three emergencies. One meter away, Ling held his breath and forcibly resisted the impulse to kill this seemingly young soldier. He watched him pull the hip door and hum a brisk tune, leaving Ling’s sight at ease.
"That was a close call. I almost ruined the event because of impulse."
Seeing that he was completely out of his sight, Ling was relieved and glanced at the corner. After waiting quietly for two minutes, no one appeared, and immediately decided to run to the grove 2 meters ahead.
"I’m scared to death!" Touched his chest constantly ups and downs due to severe breathing. Recalling what happened just now, he suddenly felt a twinge of fear. So his mouth evoked a ponder smile. "But I have to say that this kind of thing is really exciting! !”
Successfully arrived at the second card, the distance is less than 5 meters, and the shadow of the mountain is almost perfectly hidden. Ling’s sharp eyes look at this card like a falcon.
There is a bungalow on each side of the card, and there are several fairly simple anti-collision barriers on the highway around the mountain, but although they look quite simple, he doesn’t think these anti-collision barriers are a kind of force decoration
There is a sentry box on each side of the highway, and each sentry box is guarded by four soldiers. Behind the sentry box, there are two auxiliary armored vehicles with a gatling Vulcan cannon on standby, followed by a rest bungalow. Behind the bungalow, there is a relatively spacious one, where several Taiwan military vehicles are parked and armed for standby.
It is worth noting that a simple and medium-sized spotlight searchlight is placed on the roof of the two bungalows, and there is a soldier on each side of the searchlight, which means that there are six soldiers on the roof who are responsible for defending the searchlight!
Just ready to step out of the shadow, Ling instantly withdrew her steps.
For a moment, a thick, long and extremely bright white light beam passed by him. After the light beam was far away, he quickly moved forward a few steps before a light beam came.
I have a rough look at this card, and I want to make full use of it. These two pieces have special effects. Passing through this card is a feasible way to approach from the front of the sentry box and then bypass the shadow behind the sentry box.
At this time, he swallowed deeply and canceled the special effect of the optical invisibility cloak. Two or three minutes later, when the special effect of this decoration was fully charged, it was the best time for him to take formal action.
Chapter two hundred and sixteen A lift
Two minutes later, because Ling Qian canceled the special effect of the optical invisibility cloak, it didn’t take five minutes to recharge. At this time, he moved softly in the direction of the booth in the shadow, ten meters away from the booth, and he was about to step out of the shadow. He decisively activated the special effect of the optical invisibility cloak. Optical invisibility!
At this moment, his body quickly became transparent, and the light could shine through his body to the objects behind him. At this moment, he approached the sentry box quietly like a root.
Five steps, three steps and one step.
Finally, he approached the sentry box, relieved a little in the shadows, and took a fresh breath to continue his great cause of stealth.
Bypassing the sentry box, passing through the second card, he officially embarked on the journey to the third card. When he left the light range of the card, he took steps and ran away.
He walked around the edge of the road in the dark, just like a lone traveler in the dark, as if only darkness could calm his nervous heart.
"Go through the corner 1 meter ahead and walk 3 meters to the right. It’s the third road. It’s a long road to Xiu Yuan. It’s not enough for me to walk!"
Looking out at the long and deep road that seems to lead to darkness, he sighed and shook his head, fitting in with the surrounding environment, and he walked slowly
Arriving at the shadow more than ten meters outside the third card, he stopped moving forward, looked at the card with sharp eyes and calculated the sneak path rapidly in his mind.
Two or three minutes later, his optical invisibility cloak was fully charged, and at the same time, he happened to calculate the safest sneak path. The step-by-step method is that the paths are different
There is still a thrill after passing through this third card and quickly blending into the darkness on the edge of the road.
Twenty minutes later, he moved this way and successfully passed the fourth card again.
At this time, he finally stepped on the road leading to the last truck, but he was always awake with excellent psychological quality. He must not get carried away, and God knows if he will get carried away and fall into a desperate situation.