3 mins read

There is not much fuel left in a generator, and at most it is enough to develop medical instruments in kelvin’s room, which takes two and a half days.

That is to say, if we don’t evacuate in two and a half days,
Even if the storm is not over, kelvin will die of life failure because he can’t stop using those instruments.
Therefore, for kelvin K, it is true that Satan is asking for life.
K is still handsome, and he is haggard in just four days.
My eyes are full of blood and red blood. It’s scary to see.
Chapter 3 Lengqi meets again after death
Lengqi’s situation is not good at this time.
Because he belongs to the prisoner, K has always sent a hand to watch him.
Although he was not tied to the torture chamber again, he still put an ankle bracelet on his foot to prevent him from escaping.
In fact, K is really worrying.
Lengqi, at the moment, the situation is over, with more gas and less gas.
I haven’t given him regular food, clean water and Lengqi for several days, and I’m weak today.
Being able to hold on until now is that he has been holding on to Chai Wanying’s great situation with his endless hatred in his heart.
Fortunately, K finally didn’t also stop Chai Wanying’s food.
Chai Wanying always saves some things she has eaten for Lengqi these days.
Otherwise, in the big room of this castle building, K other people will turn a blind eye to her.
After all, it is the most important thing to leave here today.
Otherwise, everyone will stay here.
In comparison, Lengqi Chai Wanying’s little move is really nothing.
Wan Ying, don’t, don’t give it to me. I can’t.
Lengqi’s lips have been chapped and whitened, and the sound is so low that I can hardly hear them.
Although Chai Wanying once hated him very much, if it weren’t for him, how could she be reduced to this point today?
But seeing such a poor man like him today will eventually die.
Think about it again. His glorious life has come to such a tragic end because of others’ framed jealousy.
She also couldn’t help sighing for him.
He is not dead today, but he is not far from death.
Even if he has done her wrong, he should forget about it.
After all, he hasn’t really done anything to hurt her.
Thought of here Chai Wanying gently lifted him up, nodded and carefully fed him a little clean warm water first.
I don’t eat these either. It smells like vomiting to me these days. It’s also a wave. Please help me eat some.
Lengqi finally had tears in her eyes.
He wanted to be stubborn and not admit that he was wrong, but now he watched Chai Wanying save her own food for him in such a situation.
Give him that wat that belongs to her.
He knew that the food in this castle was still fresh water, but there was not much.
After all, the fresh water backer here should
Now that the country has suffered such a great disaster, it has already issued a first-class alarm asking people to evacuate. This cliff belongs to private territory, and no one will come to rescue it.
Of course, those waters stopped.
After all, no one knows the situation of this castle better than him.
It’s also because of this that Lengqi doesn’t want Chai Wanying to live to save him, who is bound to die.