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The old man said, "Thank you for teaching my brother to realize the Tao, so that the navy can realize that the waterway is today, but he can’t tell you."

Zhang Wendao said, "Water is the mother of all things, which gives birth to all things and nurtures all things. Shui Rou embraces all things’ virtues and gives birth to Shui Rou, while rigidity can break the stone, which can hinder all things. If you learn that, it is like realizing this waterway."
In fact, the old man learned the road without the rigid road, but he was dissatisfied. However, he realized that the road established his own way. The perfect lack of rigidity and flexibility was that he learned water, but the result was not as good as water. It was just because he saw the old flaw that Zhang Wen played a misleading role. He wanted the old man to learn the rigid road.
However, if you want to learn the just way, you have to be aggressive, so it conflicts with that. Zhang Wen’s plan is poisonous. Once you learn it, you have to be possessed. Once you don’t learn it, you have to be dissatisfied with it. Hope that Avenue can wander in front of the road for life.
Sanqing is what Pangu Yuan God changed, the old road is judo, the original road is the golden mean, the road is the road to heaven, but the road to war. Gangyang Sanqing just divided Pangu Road into three parts, but it is impossible to combine the three. If you are old enough to learn Gangyang Road, you will end up with an old age in Sanqing. This is nothing to say.
An old man is always white, but the flaw contained in his Tao is predestined that he can learn that judo, even if he knows that direction, he can change it. Although he always relies on himself to integrate his Tao into rigidity, that softness is better than masculinity. The so-called balance between yin and yang can lead to the road. The old congenital defect predestined that he can gain the road.
Old-fashioned "Shi Boyan is a younger brother, but he has learned the road."
Zhang Wen said with a smile, "Although you are on the edge of the road, you can continue to understand your own way. Your way has created an independent way, but it is not a balanced way. It is rigid and soft, but it is not a waterway, but it also has the essence of the waterway. Everything has to be realized by yourself, but it is for you."
Old-fashioned "I have learned a lot from what I have taught my brother, and now my brother has sorted out and perfected his own way. This is a contribution from my uncle." Say and worship Zhang Wenyi.
If this old worship is accepted by Zhang Wen, then the cause and effect of this teaching will be the same. Zhang Wenke will not promise to avoid the old worship sideways. "What I taught you is that you can realize the road yourself, but it is your blessing. You have also sorted out and improved your Tao this time. Now that Terran is hazy, you can also go to Taoism to realize all beings."
Lao Dao said, "This time, the younger brothers came from the Tao, but now they have no chance, but they can’t."
Mr. Zhang laughed. "Yeah, but your chance hasn’t arrived yet. It’s a pity that you were born at an inopportune time." Mr. Zhang said, and then he left the door. He saw Mr. Zhang leave and hurriedly sent him away, but he couldn’t catch up with Mr. Zhang’s pace. He could see Mr. Zhang disappear around the corner.
Although I didn’t catch up with Zhang Wenke, I still remember what Zhang Wenli said when he was ill-timed.
Zhang Wen went back to his residence, panda, and said, "Boss, have you ever finished teaching Lao, and now my younger brother is going to set up a great religion, but the old reincarnation is doomed to fail."
Zhang Wendao: "Although the old man was born at an untimely time, he was able to teach the world, but it was a pity that he was late, but he could not enjoy this enlightenment in the end. There are saints in Kong Xuan who are like being born at an untimely time and one step late, but they can’t get the word. It is a pity that if they were not born at an untimely time, their chances would not be here."
Panda said, "Kong Xuan is a saint’s fate. If the boss didn’t accept him to share Penglai’s fortune, he would not be the first religion in the world. Even if the big religion became, it would be a law to suppress the fate of the big religion. It’s a pity that he didn’t waste the boss’s years of teaching."
Mr. Zhang sighed, "Kong Xuan is a free and unfettered fairy, and his staying in Penglai is against his freedom. It’s only a matter of time before he leaves Penglai. If he doesn’t leave Penglai, there will be so many great religions, but he can establish great religions and achieve great achievements. Although he can’t get the word, he can also calculate the future. Since he calls me a teacher, he will have to consider his younger brother. I don’t want to ruin his future. Naturally, I can’t limit him."
Panda said, "The boss is worried that he won’t be robbed in vain in the future, but he doesn’t know if he will be the biggest enemy in Penglai, so he is destined to have that person in the way."
Zhang Wen laughed. "Confucianism, after all, didn’t have saints to suppress it and didn’t suppress fate first. People who get in the way of it will naturally have me. Penglai will occupy most of the fate of heaven and earth. Although I suppress it, after all, it is out of balance with heaven. Kong Xuan points out that I am destined to establish a great religion. It is natural to take advantage of this opportunity. If Confucianism is not against Penglai, it is not the balance of heaven these days. Even if I join hands, this theorem will remain unchanged."
Mr. Zhang added, "Since Kong Xuan wants to teach, I will naturally go to watch it or help him, so that he will lose the opportunity to teach."
Zhang Wen and Panda left that Chu State and headed for that Lu State.
It is said that Kong Xuan stayed in the Terran after leaving Penglai, and it was also Kong Xuan’s chance that after staying in the Terran for many years, he realized his own Tao. After Kong Xuan realized that the Terran had not changed, he created a doctrine to prepare for the Terran to educate the people.
Since Kong Xuan stayed in the Terran, his alias Kong Qiu was taken from Kong Xuan. He was born in the famous mountains and hills, and during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, he also called those talented and virtuous people. Therefore, Kong was born. In the Terran, he received 3,000 brothers, which means 3,000 avenues. Among them, 72 of these 3,000 people are the essence of Kong Xuan’s 30% Taoism.
After ten percent of the Confucian followers in Kong Xuan, they decided to establish a big education with 3,000 disciples. Although Kong Xuan has the ability and resources to establish education, the foundation of establishing education wants to establish education, but it can’t. Perhaps this is also the chance of Kong Xuan, but now it can’t establish a big education to educate the people.
The model of Confucianism took his 3,000 brothers to teach Taoism in all parts of the Terran, and his 72 brothers and disciples traveled all over the world, leaving a lot of prestige in all parts of the Terran, and also gaining a chance to teach Taoism in the future. When Kong Xuan traveled all over the world, he also realized that he had learned a lot of truth, and it was better to improve it by adding it to his own teachings after finishing it. When Kong Xuan traveled all over the country, he was almost aware of the Confucianism, and now he is short of opportunities to establish a great religion to educate the people.
Chapter 12 Great teaching makes heaven a punishment
After traveling around the countries with his younger brothers, Kong Xuan arrived in Qi State. On this day, he preached in the Jixue Palace in Qi State, and he didn’t want two children to run into the Jixue Palace before Kong Xuan.
A child said, "Kong, since you are called a saint by the world, you naturally want to establish a big religion, but don’t you?"
Kong Xuandao’s "Doctrine has become a sigh, but it is not possible to establish a religion."
The second path "Can there be a foundation for teaching when the doctrine is achieved?"
Kong Xuan sighed "Li Jiaoji"
A small path "can there be a teacher?"
"establish education"
A little laughed. "If you can teach both the foundation and the foundation, you don’t deserve to be a saint. You can’t stand my worship." Say that Kong Xuan vomited an one mouthful phlegm just in Kong Xuan’s face. The younger brother Kong was furious when he saw this and was about to teach the two children a lesson. Kong Xuan waved and stopped everyone.
The two children in Kong Chao bowed and said, "Thank you for teaching."
A small smile said, "You worship me, but if you want to establish education, you have to find that foundation to establish education."
Kong Xuan heard what the child said seemed to be enlightened. "My Confucian ancestors created a foundation for Confucianism."
Erxiao laughed. "If you are not a saint, you can suppress the foundation of the great religion, but you can’t."
Kong Xuan listened to the flash of body color light, and then dragged an object in his hand, which exuded colorful light and was very beautiful. Kong Xuandao said, "This object is an innate five-color divine light that can be taught."
A little sneered, "Well, you are a hole. The world says that you are a great sage, but now you are an unreasonable person. Although these five-color divine lights are innate, they are not the first treasures. If you can suppress the great religion, you will become a great religion."
Kong Xuan listened and looked down at the second path. "I heard that when Kong Xuan was Penglai’s brother, there lived a fairy in Penglai Island who didn’t worship the heavens and the earth and the saints. Both brothers were saints and made great teachings, so you couldn’t learn from those two."
Kong Xuan’s eyes flashed clean and then laughed. "I can teach Confucianism and establish a foundation. The five-color divine light can be used to suppress the fate of the great religion in the Spring and Autumn Period."
Kong Xuan said, "A sage’s coercion swept through the Jixue Palace, and Kong Xuan’s five-color divine light changed into five pieces of precious ruler, pen, spring, autumn and strategy." Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith correspond to ruler, pen, spring, autumn and strategy, which can greatly teach me how to achieve success. "
A small path "Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faithfulness correspond to the world. Your teachings are great but not beautiful. Your teachings are harmful to many people, and your teachings are harmful to the Millennium. Doctrines should not be learned and abolished; Doctrines and rituals are not feasible and should be abolished; Doctrinal wisdom should not be abolished; If you don’t believe in teaching, you should abolish your teachings. Once the world is over, it will definitely harm the number of people and ruin the Millennium. "
w w w
The five doctrines department of this small hole abolished the three thousand brothers of that hole, but they were furious and wanted to teach the two of them a lesson before. They shouted, "I don’t know if you have anything to teach me."
A small path "Benevolence is universal in the world, and benevolence is great for good people;" Benevolence to the wicked is a great evil. If this benevolence is not righteous, the world will be righteous. Righteousness to the good is great. Righteousness to the wicked is also a great evil. So is courtesy, wisdom and faith. Your Tao is an evil way. It is bound to harm people. "
Kong Xuandao said, "Since my Tao is Mr. Evil Tao, you can have a good solution."
A small path "Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith can guide good people and evil people, but the world can divide good and evil, but you can’t do your duty perfectly, but you lack a courage in these five ways."
Second, the path "Bravery is a struggle, but also good people can be taught, and evil people can be trained to be brave, so that their teachings can be improved."
A small path "it is feasible for Mr. Chi Nai to teach people, but it is not beautiful to suppress the brave road with a ruler, but it can suppress the brave road with a ruler."
Kong Xuandao said, "Rites are human beings who can’t be abolished and this side is not feasible."
A small path "courtesy is a great evil. It is a great evil to be kind to good people and a great evil to evil people. If you don’t change it, it will eventually harm the Millennium. This is greater than you."
Kong Xuan is persistent enough to insist that "courtesy to others is a great kindness, and courtesy to the wicked can be done before the enemy."
Second, the path "Your teachings will be like fighting against others."
Kong Xuandao said, "Everyone in the world is fighting for me."
Gong Dao said, "Children know that the world is fighting for me, Confucianism is fighting for this road."
The master of Kong’s 3,000 younger brothers also joined in to argue with the two children. This "courtesy" way and that "courage" way made the whole Jixue Palace become a chaotic chapter in which everyone argued that the whole palace had made a lot of noise.
Those two children came to help Kong Xuan change this Confucianism or improve his teachings. Unfortunately, Kong Xuan was obsessed with the word "courtesy". When the three thousand brothers came to argue again, they carefully sorted out a new doctrine in their hearts. This doctrine advocates striving to control all beings and control all people.
Confucianism is the doctrine of all living beings, but there must be another doctrine to balance Confucianism in heaven, that is, legalism, Confucianism, all living beings and emperors, but they are doomed to argue with each other
This time, Kong Xuan wanted to establish Confucianism, and the legalist school was naturally born. The three thousand scholars argued that it was the opportunity. The three thousand scholars argued endlessly with the two young people, and slowly the situation turned around after the two young people perfected their teachings. The two young people refuted all these three thousand scholars, but they argued.
3,000 scholars were all defeated by this small mouth. "Kong, now you have lost your way. Have you ever realized?"
Kong Xuan insisted, "Your Tao is your Tao, but I don’t want to learn it."
Erxiao laughed. "Since you insist on your own way, I will also insist on my way. Today, if you establish Confucianism, I will be a legislator."