31 mins read

Guo Xingyue quietly withdrew from the village, changed her clothes and clothes to become a local farmer in the bracelet, and reached the city wall in a few steps. Although the city wall was as high as ten feet, it didn’t mean anything to fix the truth. Guo Xingyue didn’t want people to notice her arrival, so he looked at the movement of a wall, found a guard, couldn’t see the dead angle, jumped up and hid in the city, and found a human settlement at random.

From the information in the farmer’s mind, Guo Xingyue learned that the name of the city is Wish City, which is the capital city of Liluo. There are three big places on this planet: New Landa 6, Shenglan 6 and Landa 6. There are dozens of countries in each of the three big six, and the warriors with strong martial arts in various countries are the most popular businesses in the three big six; Li Luoguo, where Guo Xingyue is located, is the largest country in New Zealand, and the first is the overlord of New Zealand. There are many "immortals" on this planet, and they often have wars, and sometimes "immortals" will participate in mortal battles; It is the result of the support of the "immortals" that Li Luoguo can become the overlord of the New Landa 6.
Because the farmer is at the bottom of the society and doesn’t know much about the whole Sixth National Congress, Guo Xingyue has little information, but he knows that this planet is a magic-cultivating planet. Those so-called "immortals" can definitely be magic-cultivating people (those who cultivate truth seek to be alone and rarely participate in mortal struggles). It is not for a farmer to know which sects these magic-cultivating people belong to. Guo Xingyue recognizes that he wants to hang out among mortals with his own divine knowledge, but he should not worry about being seen through by the magic-cultivating people. If you can’t solve those magic elements, you have to take it one step at a time if you want to escape to fix the true star domain roots.
At dawn, the number of pedestrians on the street gradually increased. Guo Xingyue walked out of the house and wandered around the city with people. Since he left Pangu Star for hundreds of years, Guo Xingyue had never tried shopping. At this time, he was in a good mood to walk around with people. Although Guo Xingyue got the local language from the farmer and could understand people’s conversations, he didn’t know any signs on the shops on both sides of the street (the farmer was uneducated and Guo Xingyue naturally couldn’t read), which made Guo Xingyue quite embarrassed.
It’s a truth that Guo Xingyue is very white, but considering that there is a shadow hidden behind the court, it’s not safe for Guo Xingyue to hide in the city before he repairs himself. Guo Xingyue had received various trainings when he was a killer in Pangu Star, but he knew a lot about how to make a living. If he wants to mix with ordinary people, life is not a problem. Guo Xingyue can’t make up his mind for a while, so he plans to find a literate person to understand the local characters first.
According to Guo Xingyue’s experience, officials (except military commanders) must be literate and literate. We need to find an official to copy the information in their minds. Not only can they read literate and literate, but they can also know something about the magic practitioners behind Liluo country. Guo Xingyue has been wandering around the street for a long time, and finally there is a big official-looking man riding on the wind horse beast (the wind horse beast is a local camel beast similar to Pangu Xingma but many of them are covered with scales), surrounded by a group of followers, and Guo Xingyue quietly walks in the street behind this group of people.
The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the moon is quietly hanging in the sky, and the silvery white light is softly scattered on the earth. All the cities have fallen asleep for a day. Except for the soldiers who patrol the night, most of the people in the whole city have rested. Guo Xingyue carefully searched a wall in the high wall to confirm that it has not been confirmed. Now it is possible to jump over the wall one by one to avoid the vigil guard. According to the daytime locking position, he came to the official’s bedroom, gently pushed the door and entered the room. The backhand door was covered carefully, and the room was arranged extremely carefully. All kinds of luxurious furniture are made of fine workmanship, inlaid with gold and jade, and they can do everything in luxury. A big bed, the official is holding a woman in his arms and snoring like thunder. Guo Xingyue went to the bed and reached out and printed a photo copy on the official’s head for a moment, then stopped.
Guo Xingyue left the official residence and went in to sort out the information he got from the official. The official’s name is Han Ye, and he is the king who is deeply in love with Li Luoguo. But he is not too greedy to be regarded as a clean official. The talents of ordinary officials are not bad. Guo Xingyue also learned from the information that his planet is called Lingyanxing, which is three pieces big and six in all. There are nearly one billion people in more than two countries. Li Luoguo is one of the largest countries. This Lingyanxing has many "immortals" The "Immortals" belong to different factions and often fight against each other in Liluo State. The "Immortal" faction behind Liluo State is called Beiluo Sect, which is the largest "Immortal" sect on this planet. Some "Immortals" of this faction live in the palace all the year round.
Guo Xingyue can’t help but feel a little annoyed after going through the information. Although there are many sects where she is located, I don’t know the strength of these sects, but I’m afraid my current strength will be more than I can bear. It seems that I can blend in with mortals first.
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Chapter 10 Xing Wu Tang
Li Luoguo has always attached great importance to the use of force, and the martial arts is very popular. It is a good business to make money. In this praying city, there are more than 60 martial arts schools, large and small, most of which are apprentices. The financial resources are rolling in, but some small martial arts schools are bleak.
It was nearly noon when Sun Chengwu sent off a few apprentices and stayed at the gate of the training room for a while. He was anxious about this martial arts hall for half a year, but five or six people can come to martial arts. Alas, I really don’t know how long I can last. Seeing the mess in my eyes, I can’t help shouting, "Guo, are you lazy again?" Don’t hurry up and tidy up the training room! "
A "good coming" from outside the house, a young man came in from the outside with a bucket and mop in his hand and a smile on his face. He nodded to Sun Chengwu, "The owner worked hard and I’ll clean the room." Sun Chengwu was upset and snorted and walked out of the room.
This young man is impressively Guo Xingyue. Six months ago, when Guo Xingyue was considering living among mortals, he just saw that the martial arts school wanted to recruit a handyman to take care of food and shelter. Although Guo Xingyue had not been repaired, he didn’t need to eat and sleep, but he needed to find a quiet place to see the location of this martial arts school. It was quiet and a new business. The owner acted as a coach himself and signed up for Sun Chengwu for a few days. He felt that this young man was quiet but quite diligent, so he left him.
Guo Xingyue stayed here for half a year, except for some daily chores, but she was also at leisure. On weekdays, she pondered over how to fix the magic element in Yuanying, hoping to find a solution. But finally, Guo Xingyue tried to get rid of the annoying magic element by mobilizing the real element, but Guo Xingyue was not discouraged. Every day, she was still frustrated by Sun Chengwu’s extremely slow recovery due to the interference of the magic element. She also saw in her eyes that Sun Chengwu’s martial arts was average if she got Pangu Xingyue’s martial arts. A third-rate master is just a second-rate in this Lingyan Star. Martial arts people of this level are everywhere in the city of Prayer, and there are new martial arts halls with no fame. There are very few martial arts people. This Sun Chengwu is a sincere person, and it is not bad for Guo Xingyue on weekdays. He intends to find an appropriate time to give directions to this Sun Chengwu.
Sun Chengwu was bored and confessed that Guo Xingyue cleaned the practice room and went to the street alone. After Sun Chengwu left, Guo Xingyue let go of the bucket to mop the floor. Although Guo Xingyue could clean the practice room quickly, Guo Xingyue didn’t want to expose his identity as a practitioner. Although Guo Xingyue’s powerful knowledge could ensure that all mortals and most practitioners would be aware of it when he made the truth, it was always harmless to be careful here. Secondly, Guo Xingyue had never experienced home life since the practice. He felt more and more that the ordinary is the Tao in all things, and daily life also has Tao. Therefore, Guo Xingyue did not move the real power to take advantage of these chores, but seriously devoted himself to them.
Guo Xingyue was dragging the floor seriously. Suddenly, God realized that a group of people had entered the gate and seemed to be furious. He stopped his work and walked out of the training room. He saw a group of fierce evil men angrily coming over. Guo Xingyue’s heart moved and this extortion came. It’s true that there is no shortage of this person. A burly man with a juryman shouted, "Where is your owner?" Tell him to come out. It’s been half a year and it’s time to pay for protection. "
Guo Xingyue smiled slightly. "It’s the same if you have anything to tell me when the owner is away."
The big fellow ha ha a smile "good! Then take money to protect it for half a year. There are 300 gold coins in total. If you look pleasing to the eye, you will get a discount. If you take 200 gold coins, you will be even. "
This group of people has a total of thirteen burly people with steady steps, which is a bit of kung fu. But in Guo Xingyue’s eyes, it is simply a group of native tile dogs. Before Guo Xingyue set foot on the road to fix the truth, he was the first master in Pangu Star Wulin. This kind of stuff is just a piece of cake to deal with them. This big fellow is going to have two hundred gold coins in one bite, which is a lion’s mouth. This martial arts school has sold at most two hundred gold coins. Guo Xingyue is so angry and funny that he plans to Doby these guys.
Guo Xingyue laughed. "It’s okay to say that there is this gold coin. I don’t know how you can take it?"
The big fellow didn’t expect Guo Xingyue to be so accommodating. In the past, this group of people begged for protection. They didn’t have to fight a lot to get some money. It took them a long time to react with their mouths wide open. "Ha, ha, good, good. Just take out the gold coins and we’ll go."
Guo Xingyue smiled and said, "Oh, it seems that you didn’t listen to me. I mean, why did you take the gold coins?"
This group of big fellow didn’t react until Guo Xingyue said that he was fooling them all with anger and swearing. The big fellow stopped his companion from cursing and glared at Guo Xingyue. "How dare you fool your uncle? You don’t ask about us. It seems that people like Thirteen Eagles in Pray City don’t teach you a lesson, so you don’t know how high and thick the sky is!"
"Ha ha, how high is the sky? I really don’t know how thick the ground is, but it is very clear now."
The big fellow was stunned again before asking, "How thick is the land?"
Guo Xingyue ha ha a smile "should be as thick-skinned as Ge"
This group of big fellow was fooled by Guo Xingyue again, and all shouted at Guo Xingyue. Guo Xingyue didn’t see this group of people in his eyes. He laughed and greeted the crowd. Like wearing a Hua Hudie, he walked in the middle of the crowd. In a flash, 13 aggressive big men were lying all over the floor, crying, dad and mother. Guo Xingyue walked over and clapped his hands. "Be careful not to get sick. There are other things. Please go ahead."
Chapter 11 Spring at the martial arts school
Sun Chengwu wandered around the street and his heart was still depressed. Unconsciously, he walked back to Xingwutang. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a group of big men limping out of the martial arts school. Sun Chengwu was a local and naturally knew that this group of people was the notorious praying city. The eagle was frightened and lost! Alas! I wonder what happened to Guo? I hope it’s okay
Pray that all the thirteen eagles will walk away with their heads down. Sun Chengwu hurried into the mouth of the martial arts school and cried, "Xiao Guo Xiao Guo, are you all right?" Guo Xingyue knew for a long time that Sun Chengwu had come back and walked out of the training room slowly. He said with a smile, "Nothing, how can something happen in such a good weather?" Sun Chengwu see Guo Xingyue body intact this just grow a sigh "nothing! Nothing is good! If it’s okay for the VIP, even if something is broken, "Guo Xingyue laughed." What did the owner say that something was broken? " Sun Chengwu was dazed. "Didn’t you pray for thirteen eagles to do it?" Guo Xingyue walked over and said, "Oh, the owner said it was just from those people, right? They seem to have stayed in the college for a while and left. I don’t know what they are doing, but I haven’t asked. "Sun Chengwu was relieved at this, and then his face changed lanes." Not good! This prayer thirteen eagles stared at our martial arts school. It’s too bad. This martial arts school won’t work. "
Sun Chengwu paced back and forth several times in the courtyard, raised his head and said to Guo Xingyue, "I’m sorry that I may not go to this martial arts school. Alas, it’s hard for you in the past six months. I’ll pay you back. You’d better go early. Guo Xingyue said with a smile," The owner is worried. I think those people are very kind. They left in the courtyard and didn’t say anything. "Sun Chengwu sighed," I hope I’m oversensitive. I hope it’s okay. "
The next day, Sun Chengwu was carrying out boxing practice with several apprentices, and there was a noise at the door. Sun Chengwu hurried out of the training room, and as soon as he got out of the door, he saw that thirteen eagles were praying in the center of the hospital, and the thing he was most worried about was still born! Alas! Hard to spell! Quickly stepped forward and said, "What do you want? What’s the matter? Just come at me. I don’t have to "pray for thirteen eagle roots to ignore him, but go to the front of Guo Xingyue and kneel down and say," The owner of the museum has come to learn from me and ask the owner to accept us. "
Guo Xingyue laughed. "You are mistaken. I am a handyman. Which one is the owner? If you want to practice martial arts, you should look for the owner." Pray for thirteen eagles to kowtow again and again. "Whether you are the owner or not, I want to worship your teacher and ask you to accept us."
Guo Xingyue has already seen the thirteen eagle meridians and knows that these people have no spiritual roots and are not suitable for repairing the truth. Besides, even if they all have spiritual roots, Guo Xingyue will not teach them to repair the truth. Here, however, the ball is here to teach people to repair the truth. It is simply that the old man is too old to be good at martial arts, but these people are not good. Isn’t it an evil thing to teach them martial arts?
Guo Xingyue smiled and shook her head. "I am a handyman who can sweep the floor. Are you going to learn from me as cleaning?" Although these thirteen eagles are all big and tall, they are not stupid (stupid people rule the city of prayer). Listen to Guo Xingyue’s tone and you will know that Guo Xingyue dislikes their identity. The big man said while eating his head, "We are just making a living. Although we have bullied the weak, we are deadly. If you are willing to accept our younger brother, we are willing to turn over a new leaf."
Guo Xingyue secretly rejoiced, saying that people love to say that the bridge is born again. I remember that there was a man named Shi Naian in Pangu Star who wrote Water Margin. It seems that there was such a passage that I heard and said that this bridge vaguely remembered that those who had learned from Lai Baigao seemed to have turned over a new leaf. Well, I learned to do it myself.
Guo Xingyue smiled and said, "Well, if you wait for me, I can consider accepting you."
They all kowtowed in succession. "Don’t say it’s three things, but it’s 10,000 things for you to accept me." Guo Xingyue mused slightly. "The first one is to worship the gate of Xingwu Hall instead of my teacher. The second one is not to bully men and women from now on. The third one is to pay off this study first."
Everyone listened to the first two articles, which were quite similar. The third article made people laugh, but everyone was afraid to laugh. Their faces were hard to hold back with smiles. "Thank you, Master, for taking me in. We must follow these three articles. Please rest assured."
At this time, I wondered for a long time before Sun Chengwu came over and said, "Xiao Guo, how can I not understand this play?"
Guo Xingyue walked over to the big fellow and said, "Give me your name first and then tell the owner what happened. Oh, by the way, just give the school to the owner."
The big fellow respectfully replied that he took out a bag of gold coins from his arms and gave it to Sun Chengwu. Then he told the story in detail yesterday and said that after they went back, they decided to worship Guo Xingyue and learn some true stories.
Sun Chengwu looked at Guo Xingyue in a daze. He couldn’t believe that the young man in front of him, who was dressed simply and with a kind face, was actually a martial arts expert. He defeated the thirteen eagles who had dominated this neighborhood for a long time. You know, these thirteen eagles are not experts, but they are not weak. He can deal with two of them at most at the same time.
Sun Chengwu looked at the purse in his hand and looked at it again. He finally walked over. Guo Xingyue rubbed his eyes hard to make sure that he was not dreaming. Then he seriously thought about Guo Xingyue and said, "I can’t believe that Ge is an expert, but I will treat Ge as a handyman. Please forgive me." Guo Xingyue smiled slightly. "The owner is polite, but I just know a little about martial arts." Sun Chengwu shook his head and sighed. "Ge is simply a place if it is not an expert."
Chapter 12 Kicking the Pavilion (1)
Guo Xingyue has also had a hard time teaching these disciples since he took over this group of disciples. This is a magic planet, not to mention that these people don’t have spiritual pulse method to cultivate truth. Even if they have spiritual pulse, Guo Xingyue can’t teach them to cultivate truth. (This magic planet also attaches great importance to spiritual children. Almost every magic school has its own sphere of influence. Almost every teenager who has reached the age of 15 will accept the selection of magic schools, which is similar to the mode of selecting spiritual children with giant horns.) Guo Xingyue also thinks twice before deciding on martial arts. Teach these disciples some martial arts that are not too top-notch. Although Pangu Xing has no practitioners, his martial arts are extremely advanced. It is the pinnacle in moves and strength. Guo Xingyue is worried that those advanced martial arts will fall into the hands of the magic-cultivating sects, which is equivalent to aiding evil (Guo Xingyue is a practitioner who will leave the magic-cultivating star field sooner or later, and he will never take a group of mortals with him. If he leaves the advanced martial arts, he will certainly benefit a lot from it).
These thirteen eagles have been turned over a new leaf since they worshiped at the gate of Xingwutang Hall. Those who have no money to buy or sell are rarely able to do it again. There are many thirteen eagles. They are all burly and have the potential of martial arts as big as cattle. They are all very serious. After just three years of training, Guo Xingyue’s skill is much higher than that from before, especially the eagle Wan Ming and the seven eagle Sheng Zheng are more prominent. According to Guo Xingyue’s estimation, these two people’s martial arts have barely possessed the level of Pangu Star’s second-rate master (Guo Xingyue did not teach them kung fu)
Although Thirteen Hawks no longer do business without money, they are brave and ruthless. However, the target of bullying has changed from poor people to brothers from other martial arts schools or other gangsters (Thirteen Hawks bully these people but beat people with the flag of martial arts friends). But I didn’t expect that this would actually make the name of Xingwutang a wish. Many apprentices from various martial arts schools in the city went to Xingwutang to practice martial arts. The number of martial arts brothers in Xingwutang is increasing. The original training houses are not enough. Sun Chengwu can buy all the neighboring houses at a high price. Xing Wu Tang has expanded for three times. Can you sign up for martial arts? Dona has to find a spacious place for his younger brother to practice martial arts. The changes in Xing Wu Tang in the past three years have made Sun Chengwu’s mouth smile crooked. He is proud, but pray that other martial arts schools in the city will not be happy-this apprentice is money! The apprentice ran away, which means the money ran away, so a plot against Xingwutang was brewing in the dark …
Guo Xingyue has been very carefree recently. In the first few months since the arrival of Thirteen Eagle, Guo Xingyue personally taught Sun Chengwu and others various methods of practicing martial arts. All kinds of martial arts moves have kept Guo Xingyue busy to death. Fortunately, he is a practitioner who does not need much rest and can recover in the evening. After the initial brother has a certain foundation and can practice on his own, Guo Xingyue will give up everything and leave it to Sun Chengwu and Thirteen Eagle to be responsible, except occasionally pointing out a younger brother’s martial arts. Suo Xiuzhen’s general tactic is to wander around the street at will and feel the breath of one’s life. This purpose is just in line with the so-called Daoism, that is, being born first and then entering the WTO. After entering the WTO, Hyunri Guo Xingyue naturally has some new understanding of Daoism and a higher understanding of Heaven. Although he still eliminates the body magic element, he has enhanced his skills of transportation by practicing meditation and meditation.
These days, Sun Chengwu, Wan Ming and Sheng Zheng have been supervising a group of apprentices to practice. It was in the early morning that Guo Xingyue gave these three people separate guidance and answered the problems they encountered in practice. Other things were ignored. Occasionally, Guo Xingyue went to the training ground to see the training situation of the apprentices. On this day, Guo Xingyue happened to be in the training ground to see the apprentices practicing boxing. He noticed that a group of people in the distance were coming towards the training ground with steady steps, obviously good skills and strong hostility. Guo Xingyue could not help but frown.
Moments later, a large group of people turned out from the street corner and came to the training ground. All of them were tiger-shaped big men with great strength (although Ling Yanxing people were martial, they were all in the practice of my husband’s achievement method, but they didn’t work). Sun Chengwu was a natural person who recognized that he was waiting for someone to greet him. Guo Xingyue looked at him without moving.
Sun Chengwu walked over and said, "Yo, Hao Pavilion advocates that what brings you here? The two owners are busy people. Why didn’t you come here today?" Hao owner a pockmarked face, juryman cold hum a ignored Sun Chengwu; The owner of the museum is a dark-faced man with a beard and laughs coldly. "Brother Sun is naturally a busy man, so we two brothers can have nothing to do now."
Sun Chengwu hesitated for a long time before he smiled and said, "The owner of the museum is joking. My younger brother is just fooling around. Since the two owners are here, please take a rest in the house. At noon, my younger brother will treat us to have a drink at the Moon Building." (Deyuelou is the most famous restaurant in Pray City, all of which are first-class but expensive, and the rich can’t afford it.)
The owner of the Hao Pavilion snorted in the air. "The owner of the Sun Pavilion is so rich. The mouth is that we are starving in the Moon Building, but the pavilion is showing off. Why do you look down on us?"
Sun Chengwu, even if he is stupid, knows that this group of people is simply coming to make trouble. He can’t help but turn around and look at Guo Xingyue and hope that Guo Xingyue can instruct him. But Guo Xingyue smiled at him and didn’t speak.
Sun Chengwu is a natural person who knows that the owner of Hao Pavilion and the owner of Zhang Pavilion are several masters in this prayer city. They are also the largest two martial arts schools in the city. It is said that there are many senior officials in the court who have close ties with each other. Sun Chengwu originally didn’t want to offend them. At this time, when he saw these two people making trouble, Guo Xingyue gave up, regardless of his heart. He smiled apologetically, "I don’t know if my younger brother offended the two owners and asked for instructions, or let my younger brother correct one."