7 mins read

Autumn starts from the end of the array and flies towards the gouges where whole pieces were missing in the main city. A rich and bloody smell permeates this line.

"Boom …"
Perhaps I saw the autumn killing demons and monsters in the main city. Five magic saints broke out outside the main city at the same time, and five extremely strong transverse momentum went up into the sky and stirred up the "chaos".
Five magic saints have moved at the same time, and they have taken a step forward towards the gap in the main city. Of course, they want to enter the host city with the wind and snow. Two Mahayana periods will not let five magic saints enter, otherwise the spirit emperor will completely fall in the No.2 main city.
In this No.2 main city, there are tens of billions of Terrans. If this main city falls, the population of Terran is about to fall into the hands of the inferno, so don’t ask, don’t know.
Mortals are the foundation of the cultivation of immortals. If all the terrans lose the cultivation of immortals, they will lose a lot, and the fall of the second main city will have a historical significance
Since millions of years ago, human beings have been robbed hundreds, thousands or even thousands of times. Most of the robbed terrans and demon tribes are in a defensive state, but they can repel the inferno every time, and there is a record of falling once.
This time, the rebellion against the second main city due to the slaughter night is in danger, but no one will give up this main city until the end.
Five magic saints together to just tight momentum oppression is extremely earth-shattering with the wind and snow Jiong two people to resist some stretched quite some irresistible trend.
Brother Mahayana was defeated by the Terran demon clan, so it is only natural that in the late Du Jie period, the monk stood side by side behind Feng and Xue Jiong, and in the late autumn period, Taoist Tianchen, Shihua and Jiu Yue were all among them.
In the biggest autumn, I ran all the way to kill in the main city, and after a while, I came to the place where the whole pieces were missing.
In the late Du Jie period, the level of the monk Mahayana period may be quite far away, but in the wind and snow, Jiong led the people to work together to resist the momentum of the five magic saints and not fall into the wind.
At this level, there are three more people on the inferno side, but the inferno is, after all, a cross-border war. The demon ancestor level is much less than that of Terran and Demon.
Came to two Mahayana period and more than a dozen monks in the late Du Jie period, and Qiu also broke out his own momentum, and a momentum of the earth merged in the crowd’s momentum and pressed away toward five magic saints outside the city.
At this time, the autumn has not yet revealed the pre-repair of Du Jie period, showing that it is a great repair in the late period of returning to emptiness, but the momentum has reached the point of great achievement in the late period of Du Jie period, even beyond a trace.
This kind of earth imposing manner is only inferior to that of Wind and Snow Jiong among many great magical monks of Terran Demon clan, far exceeding the imposing manner of other monks in the late Du Jie period.
Previously, when the top of both sides collided with each other, the Terran side barely maintained an unbeaten situation, but it was obvious that the five magic saints were relaxed and occupied those Xu Feng.
At this time, when Qiu joined one of them, the last one was almost no weaker than a magic saint, and the Terran and the demon clan joined together to oppress the five magic saints outside the city.
With the autumn to join the Terran and the Demon clan, the momentum was great, and with a ferocity, the five magic saints collided with the earth momentum, and immediately a great noise resounded through the void.
By the time the monks reached the Du Jie period, the momentum could be formed to directly destroy the enemy’s hands, but after the Mahayana period, the momentum could even stir up the situation of heaven and earth, tearing up one day and tearing up another.
The fierce impact of the momentum of both sides immediately formed a violent storm with extremely high energy here in the main city. The two sides discussed whether the monsters or the Terran alchemists and the middle and low-order monks were fighting against each other in the storm.
Crazy "chaos" energy storms raged in all directions, splashing "shooting" on the walls on both sides, and a layer of golden light suddenly came out to resist these energy storms and prevent them from continuing to destroy the walls of the main city and expanding the gap to both sides.
"Bang bang …"
The collision between the two sides was evenly matched. In the dull sound, five magic saints were thrown back and flew in Xu Yuan, while the Terran demon tribe was even more unbearable. Two Mahayana and more than a dozen late Du Jie periods were also inverted toward the rear and left ten miles away in a row.
Positive weighing magic holy level in power autumn heart dark surprised immediately realized that if it weren’t for all the great avatar monks to join hands to make themselves a magic holy fight, it would be really difficult to win. Of course, self-protection is still no problem.
Chapter six hundred and seventy-three Powerful cloud
Chapter six hundred and seventy-three Powerful cloud
Autumn is a spark didn’t think that he just came to the second city encountered Terran inferno top bosses fighting and unconsciously involved in it.
In the past, the five magic saints played against the great magical powers of the two sides, but after joining in the autumn, although they failed to gain an advantage, they finally did not suffer.
Five magic holy figure flew back for miles before stopping to look at the main city. At that time, it was dignified and didn’t immediately rush to play against the Terran side.
Let’s talk about a storm of earth energy raging in the gouges where whole pieces were missing in the main city for a long time. The original warring terrans or monsters have already turned to dust.
After the great avatar’s fierce attack on the inferno side stopped for a while, which also gave the Terran Godsworn some breathing space.
Although the war stopped at that gouges where whole pieces were missing, the war in the main city of No.2 was still very fierce, and many Terran monks joined forces to kill the demons and monsters in the city.