7 mins read

I’m sweating all over. What should I do? Seeing that the tongue is about to wrap around my neck, suddenly a knife came across and cut it off, holding my shoulders with both hands.

The black knife is Mo Yibai.
At this time, I was a little overwhelmed and swallowed two disgusting waters.
Mo Yibai cut down the body and grabbed me quickly and swam to the surface. Mo Yibai directly pushed me to the side pavilion and jumped in.
I gasped and asked Mo Yibai urgently what those were just now. How did he know I was in danger?
Mo Yibai, the corpse, said that he had just met the same situation before me. He found that the bottom of the water was full of this kind of movement. When the corpse realized that I might be in danger, it was busy swimming towards me. I was really in danger. Fortunately, he arrived at the time.
I didn’t find grandpa and them. Could they also be entangled in these things and couldn’t get away? I looked at Mo Yibai and asked
Mo Yibai shook his head and said that he was not sure if it was these things. He felt that it was not enough to deal with my grandfather. After all, they were all masters of the best, and it was impossible to deal with things that Mo Yibai could not handle.
After I calmed down and breathed, I decided to take a look at the water. Nothing can put people in danger.
Mo Yibai tried to stop me, and at this time, we all shut up at the same time.
It seems that some water sounds are floating from the bottom of the water
The water is getting bigger and bigger. I heard Gongsun screaming and cursing with my grandfather. Chapter 42 Monopterus albus with Dragon Horn
A large splash of water is a huge fountain, which sprays towards the surface. In the water curtain, my grandfather and his party are faintly visible riding on something.
The splash is falling behind, and I see a snake at a height of three or four meters, holding my head high and shaking my grandfather constantly. They are all crawling on the quilt cover of this thing, and this thing is shaking constantly.
What is this? It’s not like another snake essence. I was surprised and asked Mo Yibai what it was.
Mo Yibai shook his head. This doesn’t look like a snake. It seems to be an eel.
I’m busy looking into the water again. With the light not very bright, I can still see that this thing has a yellow belly and a bluish-gray head. It’s also very similar to Monopterus albus, which is huge and has two horns on its head.
How can there be horns on the top of eel’s head, and the world is so big that eel is holding its head high in the middle of the lake
My grandfather grabbed the eel horn on the top of his head, while others followed me one after another. Gongsun Imperial Dragon chopped Ma Xiaolan’s exorcism battle, and everyone’s weapons were inserted in the eel.
Now is not the time to study this thing. When I look at my grandfather, their situation is very troublesome. Who knows if such a big mutant eel will eat people?
Take rope to have been staring at the water Mo Yibai suddenly said
I took the rope in my bag and asked Mo Yibai what to do.
Mo Yibai didn’t say anything, but gave me one end of the rope and jumped into the water with it.
What are you doing? I grabbed the rope and shouted at Mo Yibai.
The surface of the water has made a great movement because of the huge eel fluttering, as if it were a wave of waves and huge tidal fluctuations. Now swimming in the water is simply death and may be photographed by the eel’s tail at any time.
Mo Yibai didn’t answer me, but was buried in the huge waves. The rope was constantly extending. I couldn’t tie one end of the rope to the pavilion. I grabbed the rope and watched the movement in the water.
My grandpa, they are still lying on the back of the eel, so they can’t move. Now even the back of the eel is the safest.
I carefully looked at the back of Monopterus albus, and even pangolin was there, but it disappeared inexplicably.
Just when I thought that the terrible man wouldn’t drown, he was entangled in the face body, and the terrible man suddenly fell from the sky.
The bright red dress blooms in the darkness like peony flowers, and the clothes are clean and there is no crease. Compared with this, I am like a pit. He is like a fairy, but he is not a person.
Where have you been? I took a look at the rope in my hand and fell beside me. Although we said we were not in the same group, we always acted together. Is it too much for you to run away when you are in danger?
The terrifying is very deep, just like a cynical literary youth, who has taken the sentence "Damn, always die, live and die".
After that, I didn’t take it. I leaned against the side column to watch the fun.
The devil comes to be unpredictable, and I’m too lazy to take care of him. After all, he is a cruel man, and his life is in his hands. If he wants to help, he will not intervene and he can’t force it.
Mo Yibai has swam to the edge of the eel. The eel head suddenly turned in one direction. My heart is not good. The eel is turning around to leave.
If the eel swims away from the edge of the water, where can we find my grandpa and them?
At this time, Mo Yibai shouted at my grandfather.
No, things in the water. My grandfather shouted at Mo Yibai.
At this time, Monopterus albus’s tail slammed towards Mo Yibai.
Be careful, I’ll yell in a hurry.
Bang, the huge tail was slammed in Mo Yibai’s position by mistake. What would happen if such a big tail was snapped when my heart cooled down?
At the same time, the eel’s tail twisted and swam quickly in the front direction, as if it had crossed the star and set off. Gongsun cursed and was still there. The eel had disappeared.
My face turned white, and the surface of the water was calm again. My grandfather and I didn’t say a word, and they disappeared again, which was nothing but white.