9 mins read

Tan Jingtian and others seemed to be shouting something. After Qiao Fusheng could not hear, there was a huge fist engulfing him, and he could feel everything.

"it’s over!"
Qiao Fusheng’s mind turned a lot of thoughts about having relatives of his own, but in the end, the strongest image was missing. Many bosses, Xiaotian, looked like, because if Ji Xiaotian was still with them, there must be a better training plan. Where would he be hit by this inexplicable enemy?
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven Send a door gift
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven Send a door gift
"Oh," Qiao Fusheng’s body flew like walking clouds, and if he hit the ground hard, no matter how strong his body was, he couldn’t bear it.
Gray’s plan is very insidious, not to kill Qiao Fusheng directly with one punch, but to make him suffer more fear and torture. When he falls to the ground, he will become a broken limb and feel more pain before Gray will kill him.
Obviously, this torture plan is really very vicious.
"Hum" If Ji Xiaotian isn’t here, Gray will be successful and Qiao Fusheng will be dead.
At this moment, even if Ji Xiaotian is afraid of revealing his identity, he can’t sit idly by. This is all his own good brothers. If he can’t watch them out.
Even if I know that Gray should not be simple, I will definitely make a move.
Stretching out a hand and drawing a mysterious arc in the middle, I calculated it clearly early and calculated it clearly. After analyzing the direction and strength of Gray’s hitting, I got the best solution, which is this move.
Ji Xiaotian didn’t do it alone, but met Qiao Fusheng and flew out. The body stuck to Qiao Fusheng and drove Qiao Fusheng to turn together. No matter how big the impact force was, Ji Xiaotian relied on the centrifugal force generated during rotation to resolve it.
After some shock, Qiao Fusheng was easily pushed to the ground by Ji Xiaotian, which was actually damaged.
"I’m still alive and not hurt?"
Qiao Fusheng couldn’t believe that after touching his body for a while, he made sure that there was nothing missing and he lived well, but he didn’t fight.
"You this guy is too diabolical I …"
He just wanted to rush over to fight Gray again, only to find that his body was frozen and he couldn’t move. Looking back, it was the British tramp around him who stopped him. It was this tramp who saved Qiao Fusheng’s face and he was embarrassed to continue struggling.
"You are no match for him. Leave it to me!"
Meter Xiaotian didn’t leave Qiao Fusheng noodles. This guy is arrogant when he gets a little collar. After going there, he can’t be pound-foolish. Therefore, meter Xiaotian still spoke very directly in front of so many people.
Although this is a fact known to all.
As soon as Xiaotian went out, Gray knew that it was different. He left his eyes and didn’t look out the real strength of Ji Xiaotian.
Even if Gray himself wants to catch Qiao Fusheng, who is flying at a high speed, it is impossible to do it so easily, and it is even more impossible to let Qiao Fusheng suffer any damage, because the power contained in Gray is too great, which is equivalent to taking a small day to resist Gray’s attack.
If you don’t pay attention to Gray’s eyes, Gray shouted, "Who are you? You must know the Guardian League. I am from the British branch. If you don’t want to die, leave quickly!"
"I haven’t heard of any guardian alliance."
Meter Xiaotian heart a shock face is not showing abnormal early see gray this guy is not simple, I didn’t think the position as big as it is no wonder that don’t take life seriously guardian alliance to kill people that is not a piece of cake.
In the bottom of my heart, there is a theory of killing my heart, if I can’t let Gray escape back, but how to kill like killing is a challenge for Ji Xiaotian. After all, there are so many pairs of eyes behind me that I have to think about a weekly method. Therefore, Ji Xiaotian’s brain is once again running wildly, and one method is formed in his brain.
One old method was denied, and one new method came out. Xiao Tian was there for a while and there was no new move.
Across the street, Gray was tearing his hair out about it, but he didn’t dare to really do anything. Because Ji Xiaotian didn’t move like this, he gave him an inscrutable feeling.
The more so, the more gray thinks that Ji Xiaotian is very mysterious, and the more gray thinks of going somewhere else when the other party speaks so lightly. He always thinks that Ji Xiaotian’s strength can’t be ignorant of the Guardian Alliance, and such a person actually claims that he has never heard of the Guardian Alliance, which leaves one possibility.
The other party doesn’t care about the guardian alliance!
This idea drives Gray crazy, and even the guardian alliance doesn’t care about people. Poor Gray is just a second-class envoy of the foreign alliance. What qualifications are there to fight against such a strong person?
"Since there is a cabinet here, then this matter is forgotten. Goodbye."
The more you think about it, the more likely it is that Gray won’t back down. The younger brother’s revenge is to be avenged, but he has to have a life to repay it. This guy has made up his mind to escape first and then invite the masters in the guardian alliance to come over. It’s not too late to avenge him then.
It’s a pity that he doesn’t know that Xiaotian and the guardian alliance have a deadly hatred. The reward order of $50 billion is wanted. People in front of the guardian alliance will not have different ideas except killing them for the time being.
"Farewell is the time for farewell. Get out of here quickly!"
Gray is tantamount to giving up in disguise. Soft is awake. He is thinking about getting caught. Xiaotian, a new method, soon comes to mind. After Xiaotian decided, he drank it immediately. Gray almost didn’t fall on the spot when he shook his body.
"Ha ha …"
Seeing that Gray was drinking in a small day, he turned around and ran from place to place, and Qiao Fusheng and others were laughing behind him without looking back at the mess.
"Everyone, I have a chance to get together again if I leave in advance!"
Shouted a voice meter small day also don’t give Qiao Fusheng and others a chance to ask questions and go without a shadow, Qiao Fusheng and others want to keep but where is it?
However, they watched Ji Xiaotian go in the opposite direction to Gray, but they were not worried that Ji Xiaotian would continue to clash with Gray. On the other hand, they also saw that the British tramp collar actually scared away the enemy by going there. What else would they worry about?
Of course, they don’t know that this is part of the plan to plan a small day.
Can’t let outsiders know that it is Ji Xiaotian who has dealt with Gray Shao, so it seems to others.
In the opposite direction, knowing the roads in London easily, I chased Gray from the other direction. This guy was running panting and escaped a big disaster.
"Are you going to kill them all?"
By Xiaotian suddenly stopped gray suddenly surprised exactly is the guardian alliance, although it is the second-level envoy of the outer alliance, it is still very quick to infer the purpose of Ji Xiaotian.
Since I have to die, the hardness in Gray’s heart has been aroused, and it’s rare that I didn’t escape. I drank a pair of hands and clenched my fists, and I gave a crackling soup and flew to it.
"Don’t bite off more than you can chew!"
After drinking this sentence, Ji Xiaotian seems to stretch out his hand at random and grab Gray’s neck desperately, so he picked it up. This guy finally hit the natural tribe hard.
Although it’s so easy to plan a small day, it’s actually gone through thousands of calculations, and it takes just such a little effort to catch more power or less power, which is not so wonderful.