6 mins read

"Bastard! Stop it! "

Just then, suddenly, there came an angry roar! Then he saw a bucket full of thick bright sword mans instantaneous blaster and went straight towards Zhang Bin!
At this most important point, Lu Fei finally arrived at Maoshan with Lin Muyang and Xiaoxiao!
Lu Fei, who was hundreds of meters away, happened to see Zhang Bin preparing to kill the teacher. He didn’t hesitate to do his best to hit this sword!
[295] Immortality!
? "who!"
The sudden change of suspicion startled Zhang Bin, and he quickly hid to one side, which just missed avoiding this sharp sword.
Then he turned his attention to the distance and gnashed his teeth. "It’s you!"
Just as the expression of the magic statue when he saw pure yin, Zhang Bin was also particularly jealous when he saw Lu Fei! Especially when he saw Lin Muyang and Liu Fei together, he was even more angry!
He and Lin Muyang have been childhood friends since childhood, and they have already banned it. Did Liu Fei get their hands on it? What’s more, when he first met Lu Fei, he would do evil to Lu Fei just because he didn’t want Lu Fei and Lin Muyang to get too close!
"Fucking thing! How dare you kill your master? Are you still a person? "
Liu Fei speed to the extreme almost instantly the words sound just fell and his figure was stopped straight in front of Zhang Bin, a face of angry way
Zhang Bin glanced at Liu Fei coldly with a cruel smile. "It’s not your turn to point fingers at what I do!"
Soon Lin Muyang and Xiaoxiao also landed on the ground.
Seeing this, Lin Muyang suddenly became impatient and rushed to Chunyang near a face of anxiety and shouted, "Master! How are you? Don’t scare me! Blare … "
Lin Muyang was an orphan since he was a child. Thanks to Chunyang’s adoption, he stayed in Maoshan to practice. In Lin Muyang’s mind, Chunyang is not only her master but also her father! Seeing that the teacher and father Chunyang fell in a pool of blood, Lin Muyang was dying. Is there any reason not to worry?
"Ahem …"
I heard Lin Muyang shouting Chunyang, and then I woke up from a coma and coughed violently for two times. Then I looked eager and said, "Muyang, don’t worry about me, just go!"
"Zhang Bin! You king egg, I will kill you! "
Seeing Chunyang seriously injured at this time, I don’t forget to urge myself to be away from Lin Muyang’s heart, which is not a taste of anger and anger. Her consciousness then provoked a long sword and rushed toward Zhang Binchong.
"MuYang! Don’t … "
Chunyang was startled and could not help but exclaim.
Or Liu Fei load a grabbed Lin Muyang "you calm down! You are no match for him! "
"Xiaoxiao, you and the teacher elder sister will take Shi Boshan here and give it to me!"
The words sound just fell and Lu Fei took out a lot of bottles and jars from her pocket. These are all the pills sent to him for healing. At this time, it just happened to be sent!
Without any hesitation, Xiaoxiao quickly nodded and put away Dan medicine. At the same time, he dragged Lin Muyang back. "Sister Lin, let’s go to the mountain quickly! It’s important to treat your master’s injury! "
"This ….." Division and carry.
A listen to xiaoxiao talked about the master’s injury, and Lin Muyang immediately calmed down. He bit his teeth and stared at Zhang Bin with hatred. This was the only time that Xiaoxiao helped to carry Chunyang and hurried to the mountain quickly.
Before leaving, Xiao Xiao didn’t forget to cut a face and said, "Be careful yourself!"
"hey! Don’t worry, he can’t stand me with a basket case! "
Liu Fei smiled a face of indifference.
On hearing this, Zhang Bin flew into a rage and couldn’t help but shout, "Who are you calling a basket case?"
"Who said who!"
The words sound just fell panlong gun is straight in the Liu Fei hand word fierce is a gun toward Zhang Bin chest swept away!
For this kind of bullying and destroying ancestors, pigs and dogs are not as good as things. Liu Fei will not be soft-hearted.
"Hum! Looking for death! "
Already will repair the breakthrough to Yuan Ying’s mid-term condition Zhang Bin naturally feel free and fearless, and never put Liu Fei in the eyes of just refining God’s mid-term condition.
Cold snorted a strong ShaQi immediately from his body blaster and instantly a dark chain went straight towards Liu Fei enveloped!
In an instant, the horse chain roared and roared, and Liu Fei easily broke through to Zhang Bin with a step.
In the hands of a pike, a twisted black chain was smashed on the spot. At the same time, the Panlong gun Wu Guangda Sheng gave a hard shot and picked it on Zhang Bin’s chest!
"Hey hey …"
However, to his surprise, Zhang Bin did not escape at all, and actually Liu Fei directly pierced his chest with a gun.
Hand a recruit a monstrous magic flame instantly rose from his palm and took it toward Liu Fei alongside of.seem.!
Lu Fei’s face changed slightly, and it was obvious that she felt this magic flame terror.
Word right hand immediately choked a sword tactic roar like a firm but gentle horse suddenly surrounded by magic flame instantly strangled a piece of pieces!
"Hey … I underestimated you!"