8 mins read

"Well … sure enough, my family is different from others, even updating the status for engraving is so different."

Hessia muttered while describing the thin layer of frost with her fingers, which didn’t affect the girl. It was very easy for her to print the state of Ye Yu.
When Ye Yu got dressed and turned around, he saw Hessia holding a crystal clear ice plate.
"Psst … it’s so cold … well, this is your state now. Although there is no growth, don’t be discouraged. After all, getting stronger gradually is a very long thing."
It was freezing, and Hessia handed Ye Yu the ice plate in her hand. At the same time, the girl did not forget to comfort Ye Yu and let him not worry about his strength.
Chapter 9 Don’t treat me like a child
Ye Yu did not show any look at Hessia’s comforting words. In this world full of adventure opportunities, it is reasonable to say that strength represents everything.
Everyone should be eager for strength, especially after signing a contract with the goddess and becoming a family member. What reason is there not to work hard to become stronger?
But Ye Yu’s heart has no such idea. He doesn’t have that strong desire for strength and wants to be strong.
Maybe … it’s the strong desire of the weak to be stronger constantly, but it doesn’t make sense for the born strong.
Are you born strong?
Ye Yu doesn’t know that he doesn’t know what kind of psychology his so-called attitude towards danger is based on.
The crystal clear ice crystal slate in the hands of Guo Heysia is not as cold as the girl said, but it is refreshing and cool after starting.
Slate is finished don’t understand the text Ye Yu was silent for a moment while Hessia some curious leaned over and patted Ye Yu shoulder to comfort him.
"Well … I’ve said I don’t care. You’ve just become an adventurer on your first day."
"No … I just don’t understand it."
Ye Yu was so honest that he let Hessia’s mouth smoke
"Well … if you don’t understand it, you can’t understand it. Anyway, this is the beginning of your adventure career. What will become stronger one day?"
Patted Ye Yu’s shoulder. Hessia said with such relief that Ye Yu didn’t care much.
I can’t understand it, but he still understands what some letters and numbers mean.
For example, this ice sheet has its own name on the first line.
Ye Yu is not a unique word in this world, but a powerful font he is familiar with.
Although I can’t remember exactly what this text is, Ye Yu can feel the kindness and know that these two words represent his name.
Moving on is an easy-to-understand LV1.
Then one by one, after the letter I, it is marked that there are more than twenty numerical values in the number department, and only the last column shows a question mark.
This should be the ability value … Is this question mark your magic?
Although Hessia says she has magic, there is still magic in this kind of thing. Why can’t you feel it?
The magic value is a question mark, and getting married means having your own magic. It sounds great, but Ye Yu can’t understand it.
"What is magic and magic?"
Ye Yu muttered something like this. It’s better to ask Hessia if he wants to break his head himself.
"well, this kind of magic is a patent for certain races at first, but there are also people who have never accepted the gift of God and found magic cases themselves."
"But those are stories told by heroes, and the concrete truth has also been verified. Generally speaking, at least one person can master magic at most three, and the number of magic is fixed. It is common to hear that someone can make two kinds of magic. It must be a great hero."
"For example, wind magic can easily strangle hundreds of people, and flame magic can be defeated by holding a long sword?"
"But Hessia, you still haven’t explained what magic is."
"Well … what exactly is magic … what should I say about this?"
Looking at Ye Yu staring at his curious and inquiring eyes, Hessia turned away with some guilt.
"What should I say about this? It’s always complicated to explain."
"Is it so complicated that Hessia doesn’t know?"
"It’s not I don’t know! Is … "
Hess Yaqiao blushed as if Ye Yu had said something about her sore spot.
"Well, it’s really difficult for me to explain clearly. After all, there are so many things involved. I understand the way. Even if you say it, Ye Yu, you may not be finished."
"Well …"
I’m still looking forward to it, but since Hessia can’t explain it clearly, I’d better not think about it
There’s nothing you can’t think about. At this stage, you just have to fight with your dagger.
Of course, you have to meet a monster first …
Days words … Should be able to smoothly encounter the dungeon monster?
After all, according to Aina, she was so lucky that she was safe on the fifth floor. This small probability event will not happen again, right?
"But it’s a fact that you have magic, even if you can’t make or feel confused now, it doesn’t matter. After all, one day you will be able to skillfully transport your magic. After all, your adventure career has just begun, and the future is still long."
Looking at Ye Yu seems to be thinking about what Hessia patted him on the shoulder again to comfort him.
"I don’t care much about this. I was thinking …"
Looking at Hessia, narrowing her eyes and smiling at herself, Ye Yu thought about it and chose to be silent. After all, it is a bit strange to say such a thing as not meeting a monster.
And Ye Yu doesn’t want Hessia to know that he went directly to the fifth floor.
"Forget it, rest early. You must be very tired after a day’s work today, right?"
Touching Hessia’s head, Ye Yu could see that the corner of the eye of the goddess showed a trace of tiredness.
"Well, it’s ok, but Ye Yu, you have to rest earlier. Don’t come back so late. I’ll worry about it. If you take risks, you should do it step by step and don’t be too greedy. You want to knock down many monsters in one day."
"I know, my goddess."
Ye Yu said some funny, but the palm of your hand was taken by Hessia.
"Don’t always coax children to deal with others. This goddess is not serious at all and she is not like a child at all!"
Hessia is a little angry, so she tries to press Ye Yu down on the bed again. The girl’s huge chest, which doesn’t match her size at all, shook in front of him, making Ye Yu awkward and turned away.
Really … Don’t like a child?
Chapter 1 The Second Adventure
Ye Yu slowly opened his eyes and moved his body.
Because it is located in the underground building, you can’t smell the morning bird’s song or see the sunshine, so you can rely on your feelings when you are sure.
"Is it only five o’clock?"