8 mins read

There was a reward when I completed the first single foster care of Dawu Poké mon, but Qiuyuan was just concentrating on checking the Cocodora’s office and didn’t notice it.

This is an achievement unlocking reward, isn’t it? It’s the first time to complete the sales of Poké mon eggs.
Foster care achievement award is a green food props exchange voucher, which has been put in the unified warehouse by Qiu Yuan.
If the word "food" is removed, Qiuyuan will be very happy, but unfortunately it has a food restriction.
The achievement of selling Poké mon Eggs rewarded Qiuyuan with a universal fragment, specifically, it replaced a specific fragment to form an independent.
At present, there is a fragment of Gracetia flower field in Qiuyuan. If you add this universal fragment, there will be two pieces.
It’s a pity that it’s still difficult to break out the pieces. After all, it’s a blue prop that can’t be met.
Qiu Yuan doesn’t know how long it will take to get another piece.
At present, the size of the feeding house is still enough for the Poké mon to live, but there may be some problems if Houqiuyuan plans to collect Poké mon in large quantities.
After all, not all Poké mon can accept that other Poké mon will appear in their living area at any time.
After the first experience, if a guest wants to buy Poké mon eggs and Qiuyuan is not here, Serena can deal with it.
Qiuyuan went back to the place where the dishwashing pool was built, and built a wall with the forest lizard and the frog with cement.
When the mud was finished, we didn’t see the fragrant monkey for a long time, so we went out with Kyubi no Youko to control the temperature and let the cement shape quickly.
With the sink, you don’t have to bother to move around. Go directly to the sink to clean the kitchen utensils and tableware to be cleaned, and then put Qiuyuan into the warehouse.
There’s nothing going on recently. Qiuyuan can relax for a few days.
In order to compete in the feeding house, we have completed the purchase of Poké mon eggs in the wind chime feeding house. Now Qiuyuan needs to wait for Poké mon eggs in the feeding house, and someone will come to the feeding house to buy Poké mon eggs and slowly accumulate reputation.
In a blink of an eye, four days later, I added a few Poké mon eggs to Qiuyuan’s nursing house.
Pitching eggs with white qualifications account for the vast majority, with 8 eggs, while Pitching eggs with yellow qualifications form a fresh contrast.
Forest lizards and frogs each lay one egg, which is a green qualified egg.
There are three green qualified Igglybuff eggs and one yellow qualified Igglybuff egg left.
Finally, there is a situation of lower qualifications, but Qiu Yuan is not too worried. After all, Jigglypuff’s matching Pikachu people are too low in qualifications. Although there are rules to follow, there is a certain randomness in the end.
Igglybuff, a yellow qualification, can just be sold. I believe that when this news is posted by Qiu Yuan on the feeding net and Qiuye Feeding House’s own net, it will attract trainers who like Jigglypuff.
Yu Guagua soaked frog eggs and Mushougong eggs Qiuyuan decided to put them directly on the front desk for sale.
In this way, there are not only particularly popular Igglybuff eggs, but also two well-qualified Yujia eggs, and the autumn leaf breeding house will get a good number of bets in a short time.
Now, Qiuye Breeding House has gained more than 2,000 notes on the account of Breeding Network, of which Qiuyuan female trainers account for nearly 10%.
All of them were attracted by the photos of Poké mon published by Qiuyuan, and they chose the autumn leaf feeding house.
There are also some people who have been injected because Qiuyuan hangs out various pills and the most eye-catching Poké mon nutrients, but they don’t quite believe that a primary breeding house can make Poké mon props with such good results, so they have been slow to take action.
On the other hand, the reason is that the geographical location of Chaoxiang Town is really partial.
But Qiu Yuan doesn’t regret that he chose Chaoxiang Town.
Although we choose to travel closer to the center, there will be more pedestrians and more guests, but the competition is relatively fierce
In every city, there will be a middle-level breeding house and several primary breeding houses, and there will also be breeding houses on town roads.
There is no breeding house in Chaoxiang Town, a remote and popular town. The nearest breeding house is also the primary breeding house in Mingshui Town-Green Sand Breeding House.
The name Green Sand Breeding House always makes Qiuyuan’s expression weird when he thinks of it, and he thinks that he likes to drink mung bean smoothies in summer.
Green bean smoothies … What a delicious taste.
It’s a pity that it’s a little cold now, so you can’t die. Qiu Yuan doesn’t want to feel the cold any more.
At noon, Qiuyuan received a message from Dawu. Anyway, I don’t know how he found the signal in the forest. He always said that he would come to the autumn leaf breeding house after he came out of the forest.
Qiuyuan doesn’t know when he will come. Today, he plans to take Serena fishing at Xianhu Lake. If Dawu comes too late, he can go out to play again tomorrow.
Unconsciously, I accumulated another primary lottery. After Qiu Yuan updated the webpage information, I started another metaphysical lottery.
"Let’s discuss something with you?"
[ding! What can I do for you? 】
"You see, I’ve smoked so many times, and I can’t produce anything good every time …" Qiu Yuan rubbed his hands. "Even ten companies smoked and one smoked?"
[ding! Can]
"Is it really possible to lie in the trough?"
How surprised Qiu Yuan’s expression is at the moment, and he almost doubts whether this unified AI has been replaced.
Since I first asked him about the land shark, my attitude has changed a lot. Not only has my mouth become cheap, but it will not suddenly disappear.
Let Qiu Yuan get used to it for a while.
However, it’s a good thing that this change has taken place. Qiu Yuan doesn’t want to face a person who likes to worry about his own system all day.
With the unified permission, it’s even more fun for Qiuyuan to draw a lottery with Bai Piao for ten consecutive times.
Unified store!
Unified lottery!
When the turntable starts to turn, it is another exciting lottery.
This time, I don’t know if it’s my luck. Qiuyuan has just won three yellow Poké mon props in a row.
[ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery.
[ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the Geely Boxing (Yellow) 1]
[ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the round stone (yellow) 1]
[ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the Tianya lone guest pillow (white) 1]
[ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the free and beautiful yuan coupon (white) 1]
[ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the cold pork liver (white) 1]
Three yellow props in a row have satisfied Qiu Yuan with the three indecent white props behind …
I don’t understand the meaning of free and beautiful yuan purchase
[ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery (skill CD) 1]