7 mins read

But don’t tell you that you can’t hide it.

"You won’t know if people from overseas countries say it," Wu Xiangniang said this sentence with a pair of arrogance.
But after the curtain, the kite was slightly startled and cold, and its eyes were silvery and light, and its robe was half loose and half open, and it was extremely lazy and cold, like frost.
Chinese people … make kite thoughts can’t help but evoke memories.
Chapter 26 twins
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
In a moment, the kite said, "You two back."
Two people?
The two killers couldn’t help looking at each other. Are they?
But it’s impossible to get two people caught back, is it?
Then there are two of them.
But Lingyuan, what does this mean?
I cann’t believe I let them back
Although not only did the kite command them not to dare to resist, they immediately withdrew.
Wu Xiang Niang also didn’t think that you open the Lord would ask for this.
Is it like them to stay alone and be arrested?
Still don’t want him to see it?
Wu Xiang Niang can’t understand that she has a frown and thinks that if she makes the kite start work later, she will try her best even if she can’t win herself.
On the contrary, she can feel something wrong with the atmosphere here in Yunni, but she sees that Wu Xiangxiang is on hold and there are no officers and men here, so she will honestly not move.
Just as Wu Xiang Niang and Yun Mi were thinking about each other, there was a slight wind suddenly in the hall.
The wind flutters gently and the curtain looks even more like a fairyland, and the faint scent of lotus flowers on the nose is refreshing and intoxicating.
There was a slight footstep in the hall, and Wu Xiangxiang clenched her fists and waited for the move.
The curtain floated up and down, and my eyes flashed by and I saw a tall figure.
The man was dressed in a silver robe, which was baggy and half-worn, showing a lazy temperament in his cold charm, and his perfect figure made people know that he was definitely a beautiful man at first sight.
But when people came out, they found him wearing a silvery white mask that covered half his face.
Long hair is baggy, a Hosta is half tied up, and the hair hangs down on the chest and falls at a little bit. cornus makes people feel tempted by the dry mouth.
But when Wu Xiang Niang saw that half face, she was cold and charming, with long, narrow eyes with curly eyelashes and a lazy look, as if she were a woman. Joan’s nose and lip were a feminine face to the extreme
But a single face has completely shocked Wu Xiangxiang.
"Palace master!"
Wu Xiang Niang exclaimed
I can’t believe that the king of the sea country, the palace master, has been missing for so many years and is in Mochi country!
The kite smiled faintly, and he held out his slender hand at Wu Xiangniang and said faintly, "You can recognize it after looking at half a face for several years."
Wu Xiangxiang was shocked by the surprise, and then bowed her head and said respectfully, "After the palace master left the letter, princess royal replaced the palace master in charge of state affairs, and Wang Housheng was a handmaiden of twins. You can recognize it at a glance when you see you."
Hearing this, the kite couldn’t help but hook its lips, and then looked far away and sighed, "Ning Xi and I still look like each other?"
When he left the country, he was looking for Su Dye’s pupil, because the desert is only available in the mainland, and the most powerful country in the mainland is the stranger pool country.
So he has lived here for many years, but it seems that nothing will come of it.
Besides, his compatriot sister is really suffering. She asked her to act as a female agent in court affairs.
On the evening of the evening, Wu Xiangxiang could not help but become more gentle with a touch of admiration and immediately reported that "the palace master almost carved out only the gender difference."
It is very admirable that a woman can be in charge of state affairs and has grown in power. Of course, Wu Xiangxiang also admires her.
27 Chapter 27 Master
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
The kite couldn’t help but think of his mother and sister, but he decided not to return to the country before he found Su Dye’s pupil and didn’t give up.
Stay in Mochi country to have enough hope.
Then turn around and look at the clouds and make the kite’s eyes flash a little.
Seeing that the kite was looking at Yun Ni, Wu Xiangniang immediately took the baggage and take the journey. "She is the sixth daughter of Prime Minister Yun Tai named Yun Ni."
The kite can’t help but nod, but the prime minister’s daughter will be with her?
Knowing that the kite still doesn’t understand Wu Xiang Niang immediately took the initiative to say, "She was bought by the bad guys and belonged to the fragrant pavilion. I also know that she belongs to this time and Yunbi came to the secluded hall and was chased by the officers and men. It was never expected that I would see you here."
Wu Xiang Niang has said the situation roughly in a few words, which makes the kite white. What is going on?
Instead, he asked, "You ran away with her but wanted her to keep it?"
Wu Xiang Niang certainly knows what it means to keep the kite.
Keep it is to let YunNi live and not stay, and that is to let YunNi die.
Her eyes turned to Yunbi Wuxiang and finally replied, "She is still young and may be one of us, and she still has hatred for Mochi country."
Make the kite also see that Wu Xiangniang wants Yunbi to keep it. Since Wu Xiangniang wants to, wouldn’t it be a shame for him to refuse again?
However, it won’t do any harm if YunNi is young.
One thing is that she is Yunzui’s younger sister, and he also did something for Yunzui to dye her pupil.
But Yunzui seems to have a grudge against Yunni’s first sisters? !
Now is really interesting.