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Chapter 20 Fuxi’s enlightenment and divination
The amount of farewell to Lieshan got up and flew to Chen Du. Just the amount felt that Fuxi had burned the last incense left for him, and soon the amount appeared beside Fuxi.
At this time, Fuxi has arrived in Taiyi, Jin Xian, because the adult race co-owns all the Terran fortunes. When Fuxi saw the arrival of the quantity, he quickly said, "Fuxi pays homage to the master."
The amount of relief looked at Fuxi and smiled and said, "Don’t bother to walk with me." Then he took the lead and went out. Fuxi heard the amount of orders and quickly followed.
In this way, the two men came out of Chendu in tandem, and there was no mouth all the way. Fuxi saw that there was no mouth and he didn’t speak.
In this way, the mentor and the apprentice walked slowly outside Chen Dou, and the atmosphere was very depressing. Soon they came to the top of Guatai Mountain in Weishui, where they were sitting.
I haven’t talked for a long time, and finally I asked, "What can I do for you this time?" When I heard the words, Fuxi was relieved and said, "Master, I think many people died of natural disasters. I just wanted to find a way to predict this disaster before, but I didn’t find it in these years." I thought, "Master, this road is too scary, and Se hasn’t changed a bit, which makes people panic."
The problem with listening to Fuxi is that he said, "You just sit here and watch." After that, he didn’t speak.
Hearing the amount, he told Fuxi to be a little confused, but he was still very obedient. After sitting and measuring, he looked around. In this way, the two of them looked at it for half a month. At this time, Fuxi changed from just being at a loss to thinking.
At this moment, he measured his mouth and said, "I can learn something." Fuxi nodded and said, "I have learned something, but I am not sure."
After listening to it, I said, "Then I’m watching." Then I closed my eyes and didn’t talk about Fuxi, which was also a re-observation.
Half a month later, I sat on the side and measured my mouth. "This natural disaster is frequent because of the disorder of heaven and earth. Since the Lich War, heaven and earth have been destroyed and Tianzhu collapsed, which has added frost to the world. Although there are witches managing the laws of heaven and earth, after all, it is too short to take care of heaven in many places, and it is hard to calculate for a while. If Terrans want to get rid of or reduce the casualties of natural disasters, they must try their best to avoid it."
Aside from Fuxi, there was a little reaction in the narrative. After a month of meditation, Fuxi had a little change, and God Se changed from frowning to laughing.
At this time, Fuxi’s whole person is in high spirits, and his hand is constantly drawing vaguely like a hexagram, but it is always almost something.
At this moment, there has been no momentum, and suddenly a streamer is thrown out at any time. When it comes into contact with the Weihe River, it instantly turns into a dragon horse, which screams like Fuxi running.
Fuxi, who has been indulging in his own world, felt the opportunity arrival and quickly opened his eyes to find a dragon and horse standing in front of him, and the dragon and horse was carrying a treasure. Fuxi’s eyes rested on the treasure and he reached out and held it in his hand.
See the different treasure ten black and white dots said y and n Yang, five elements, four like its square figure, in which the odd white dots, yang, even numbers, black dots, y and n, each of the four like each over seven stars, for a total of two nights. Seeing this Fuxi heart burst into enlightenment, he laughed. "Ha ha! I have done it! "
Say that finish, I saw Fuxi holding Hetuluo and drawing constantly. At the same time, Fuxi Gan represented Tiankun, Dikan, Shuili, Huozhen, Leigen, Shanxun, Fengdui, swamp, divination, and Yang Gua explained the evolution law of everything in heaven and earth and the geography of heaven.
As Fuxi’s hand stopped, the virtual divination chart exuded thousands of golden lights. At this time, Fuxi sound came to all terrans’ ears. "All terrans should remember this picture. This picture can make the terrans without magic seek good fortune and avoid evil."
Fuxi’s voice just fell and a huge hexagram rose in the wild world. When he saw the huge hexagram, all the terrans bowed down and thanked Fuxi Dade.
Suddenly, I tried my best to integrate my faith into the divinatory diagram. At this time, there was a virtual thunderbolt. Heaven sensed Fuxi’s contribution and also reduced my merits to reward Fuxi’s achievements.
All of a sudden, the merits of the sky were divided into four parts, and at the same time, Hetuluo also turned into a streamer and disappeared. Ten percent of the merits were awarded to the body, and twenty percent to the dragon, horse, jade and unicorn.
At this time, Fuxi kept soaring after the instantaneous breakthrough of merit blessing to the breakthrough of pick Jinxian, and then he arrived at pick Jinxian dzogchen and then crashed into the quasi-holy.
As Fuxi broke through Fuxi’s body, there was a burst of rupture and a huge memory flooded Fuxi’s heart.
As time goes by, Fuxi seems to have watched a documentary. When Fuxi saw the defeat of the Lich Wars and the demon race ended, he couldn’t help but let out a lonely sigh in his mouth, but his eyes couldn’t help but reveal a trace of sadness. Then Fuxi swore that "there was no demon race Fuxi after Terran". When Fuxi’s voice fell, a muffled thunder sounded to show that heaven agreed with Fuxi’s oath.
At this time, Fuxi’s body was illusory and the divinatory diagram flew back to see Fuxi’s body escaping from a dark shadow. Instantly, the divinatory diagram combined to form a figure. After seeing Fuxi beheading my corpse, I couldn’t help but sigh, "This fate is really profound."
This divinatory diagram came into being at the historic moment. It is the innate treasure that makes the divinatory diagram more and more powerful over time. Fuxi’s divinatory diagram will be promoted to Tianbao.
At this time, the amount came and said, "Congratulations to Daoyou for restoring your memory." Listening to Daoyu, Fuxi quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you for your respect." After that, he paused and said, "Daoyou! After the Terran Fuxi, there was no demon race sage. "
After listening to it, Nai smiled and said, "Daoyou is suffering again." After listening to it without speaking, Fuxi said, "Now that Fuxi’s divination has turned into you, you have already achieved your merits. Now go back and wait for a Ren Huang to appear."
The voice just fell and Fuxi asked the interface, "Master! I wonder if you can give me a sign. After listening, I looked at Fuxi and said, "This man is also your younger brother, but don’t disturb him now. When he has been recognized by all terrans, you are looking for him."
Hearing the amount, he told Fuxi to nod and see it. When he heard it, he turned around and went back to the mountain.
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Chapter 21 The grain comes out of Fuxi to seek the virtuous
Fuxi didn’t look for Lieshan in a big way when he followed orders. He learned the position of his younger brother through calculation, so he left a mind’s eye to note him from time to time.
At this time, Lieshan has been busy with trivial matters in the tribe since he left. It may be fate that Ren Huang has never been in contact with tribal management. Lieshan not only keeps the Jiang Shui tribe in order, but also takes time out every day to go around the tribe and study some things he is interested in.
One day, Lieshan was busy with trivial matters in the tribe, so he confessed and walked out of the tribe.
Out of the tribal Lieshan, a person swam to it along the Jiangshui River. At this time, Lieshan Xiu had already broken through Jin Xian and arrived at Taiyi Tianxian. Although he was walking, the speed was not slow at all, and he arrived at Huashan Foot in half an hour.
Looking at the top of Huashan Mountain at the foot of Huashan Mountain, I couldn’t help but flash across that his mother used to talk more, and I was very curious that there were nine-color dragon mountains on the top of Huashan Mountain, so I wanted to see them.
This idea can’t be suppressed together. It may be that a calf is not afraid of the tiger’s fierce mountain and flies to the top of Huashan Mountain.
When Lieshan flew halfway up Huashan Mountain, it was found that there was a hidden valley halfway up Huashan Mountain. Suddenly, this hidden valley aroused Lieshan’s curiosity.
Lieshan immediately dropped a cloud on the mouth of the valley and explored the gods, but after some exploration inside, nothing was found. The only understanding is that the valley is so big that Lieshan can’t reach the edge at this time, so you can imagine how huge the valley is.
Fierce mountain didn’t get the information, so Suo Xing took back his knowledge, carefully stepped into the valley, crossed the dark hole at the mouth of the valley, and entered the valley. Just before it was dark, the surrounding area became softer.
As the darkness disappeared, the valley also took off its mystery and showed its face in front of Lieshan Mountain.
I saw several tall trees in the vast valley, and Lieshan walked carefully in the valley, and the gods were released immediately, but I still didn’t find any movement in Lieshan’s gods as time went on.
Soon after Lieshan entered the valley, it was found that there were small animals in the valley. When I saw this Lieshan, I was so happy that I quickly learned about the situation in the valley.
After three days of careful observation, I finally circled the valley and found that there was not only a forest in the valley, but also several small animals and various fruit trees.
Knowing this situation, Lieshan’s first reaction was "Is this a gift from Jiang Shui tribe?"
Thinking that I can’t stay in this fierce mountain any longer, I will quickly turn back to the tribe to find someone to sign here.
At this time, a big bird flew in not far from Lieshan Mountain. When the big bird flew over the top of Lieshan Mountain, it dropped something from its mouth and landed at the foot of Lieshan Mountain.
Surprised in my heart, Lieshan bent down and picked up the big bird drop. When Lieshan picked up the big bird drop, it was found to be a plant that had never been seen before. There were not only five kinds of flowers, but also five different fruits. This Lieshan was more interested.
Lieshan suddenly thought, "Since the big bird held it in its mouth, it is natural that this thing is poisonous and edible. I thought that Lieshan would pick all the fruits of these five plants and taste them one by one."
As the fruit entered Lieshan, I suddenly felt a faint fragrance and a little sweetness that I had never tasted before, and Lieshan was captured by this taste and thought, "If only all the people could eat this food."
Lieshan conveniently put away five Se plants, just like walking outside the valley. It didn’t take long for Lieshan to return to the tribe.
Back to the Tribal Fiery Mountain, I quickly called some tribesmen to tell them the specific location of the valley and told them where to explore and hunt.
After watching those people go, Lieshan turned around and came to Jiang Shui, carefully took out five Se plants and picked those fruits slightly, and then sprinkled the five fruits on the land on the shore of Jiang Shui.
I saw that just after sowing in Lieshan Mountain, those fruits took root and germinated as quickly as God’s help, and five different plants grew rapidly and matured quickly with the naked eye.
One side of Lieshan was dumbfounded, but it quickly reacted. I just picked a plant and put it in my mouth. Lieshan found that the taste had not changed.
Suddenly, Lieshan felt happy and thought that "just a little thing of his own can grow such a piece, saying that this thing can be mass-produced and the growth rate should not be long". I thought that Lieshan planted all the fruits obtained this time here, but this time there was no mutation. Lieshan nodded thoughtfully when he saw this situation.
As time went by, three months passed quickly, and the plants matured one after another. Lieshan was almost happy and crazy when he witnessed all this.
With a wave of his hand, he put away all the fruits of these plants and called these five fruits "Hemp, Millet, Millet, Wheat and Bean Grains" according to their characteristics. With the appearance of the grains, he felt that the achievements of Lieshan Mountain in Heaven were also rewarded.
Put away the grain and Lieshan turned back to the tribe and took the grain away. With the discovery of Lieshan, the food shortage problem of the grain Terran has also been solved. Thanks to Lieshan’s achievements, it is called Lieshan Shennong.
Fuxi also knew about it for the first time, and saw that Shennong had found the grain and extended it to the whole flood, so that the whole flood tribe was no longer worried about food. At that time, Shennong was famous all over the flood.
Fuxibai should ask Shennong to come out of the mountain. Fuxi confessed and set off for the Jiang Shui tribe in Jiang Shui Valley alone.
Fuxi’s quasi-saint’s journey naturally won’t take too long, and soon Fuxi came to the Jiang Shui tribe