8 mins read

In fact, the fairy empire has reserved a place of residence for them. The conditions are not bad, but the biggest problem is that there are media everywhere.

"The little priests of the Elf Empire don’t live there themselves," Richard said.
And the holy dragon imperial squad doesn’t live there either.
Although there are many experiences to tell after reuniting with teammates after a long separation, Xiang euphemistically suggested that they go to rest first.
They also have some things to deal with.
Almost as soon as the siren starship landed, the messenger from the elf mother tree had arrived here.
"It’s not convenient for the elf empire to meet?" Xiang frowned at the elf in front of him.
Elves can put on a more humble attitude. "It means that we can’t get the answer until the final of the Star League."
"What about before this?" Sweet complexion is not in danger
"This will be a disaster," said the elf seriously.
"… would you please repeat what you said?" Xiang has a little doubt about her ears.
"Corona said that if she appeared before the final of the Star League, she would suffer misfortune, misfortune and misfortune. She might break her arm, leg and neck …"
"Stop" Xiang can’t listen to it.
It’s almost impossible to say such a thing from the elf’s mouth, and it’s desperate to meet him, cursing himself even if he is fragrant. If the elf king is really unlucky, then the elf and the siren will inevitably become enemies, and he was not so eager
But the reason given by Elf King is obviously perfunctory.
"The final venue of the Star League is also your decision-and the primary competition." Xiang looked at the elf deeply. "I don’t doubt the elf mother tree, but until now, you still don’t want to announce what inspiration the elf got? The sea didn’t tell me all this. "
"I don’t know." The genie who brought the news is also very naive. "The crown sends greetings to the sea demon king and wishes him to enjoy the voyage of the moon."
"I’ll tell our king," Xiang said calmly.
Everyone knows that this is diplomatic language.
Elf communication officer is almost backwards from the siren mansion, secretly feeling that the oppression of the Duke of the East is getting stronger and stronger.
The siren has always acted this way, and this time it is stronger because of the arrival of the king.
But corona didn’t give her complete instructions. It’s reasonable to be a good siren …
Although not much.
At this time, with the last two days left before the league curtain, all the players really mobilized before the game … except for a particularly loose team.
Xiang and Gordien have no urge mentality at all.
"Don’t want to play? There are many city elves in the Moon Sea who make their own things well. "
"Practice? O sea, you have practiced all the way. What you need most at this time is to play. "
Lano didn’t resist their exaggerated tone after all, and it is unlikely that he will get anything into the country at this time. In the Sylvie pendant, he and the team members left the mansion.
Xiang seems to have something else to do and didn’t replace him with them. He is Gordien
The image of the Duke of the East is too eye-catching, so Gordien doesn’t have so much trouble, and it’s hard to feel the sense of distance from him, even worse, and those strange star thieves
Judging from the current situation of the Moon Sea, it is not strange for them to be pedestrians. The most important thing is rainbow hair color, and there are many human federal tourists here. They should do as the Romans do and change their hair color.
"The elder brothers! Hair dye is good! " A tourist marveled at Gordien’s hair.
"Of course" Gordien is very confident.
They all restrained their breath and looked no different from ordinary tourists.
They tasted the snack called the Moon Boat, and one fairy sister said it didn’t suit their taste.
Please don’t continue this stereotype that elves don’t like to eat meat.
Walking through the lively night market, there is the most famous beach in the Moon Sea. There are high and low lights on the edge of the beach. Outside the lights, there are shining roads in the spreading forest.
"Although it has been modernized for many years, the high elves still like this place to show their conservatism and nobility." Sylvie pendant muttered to Lano’s ear
"But there may be something missing in this small shop that you can look at."
I always feel that Sylvie pendants may not be all well-intentioned, but the elf shop is at most a little dark and dangerous, and Lanno didn’t refuse.
Of course, the more important reason is that Richard’s eyes are glowing.
"Listen, I must have a chance to wait for me here, Chaos Shadow Dragon …"
"You’re jumping out of the show. Wake up, Richard." Lanonoi trotted along with the footsteps of Secondary Two.
At this time, Richard suddenly stopped and consciously blocked him behind him.
"Richard?" Lano still doesn’t know what happened.
A line of people came out from the glowing forest.
Probably because they are wandering around, their breath also converges in place.
Ji Lieyang put his hand on Lance’s shoulder, but did he take back his soft smile?
The lights went out, and an elf song came from the forest.
Richard stiffly stopped Lano from the beginning, but he was so impatient that he forgot that it was not the time of sapphire sea.
Seems to be perceived that Richard’s emotions fell behind and what the star thieves said. Gordien took two steps forward, and there was a slight coolness in his dark blue eyes.
JiLieYang also returned to his usual natural and arrogant expression.
Lano crosse Richard’s shoulder, try to protect him.
"Don’t be afraid"
Chapter 36
Of all the people’s indifference and hostility, lance’s joy seems so out of place.
It’s as if he didn’t notice the atmosphere here, or maybe Lance didn’t care-for many years, he didn’t need anything in Lance’s world, and he had a smooth life except when he met the people in front of him.
"Nuo Nuo"
Lance gave a gentle cry, just like many years ago.
Lano looked at him calmly. "Did I tell you that I don’t like being called that?"
It’s not that I don’t like being called like this, but that I don’t like being called by you-he should have said it before, but whether he was listened to or not is another matter.
The holy dragon king froze.
Perhaps this is the first time in lance’s life that he has been rejected so mercilessly, and the other party has refused others by law.
Of course Lennon said it, but it was a way to show his intimacy, so of course he wouldn’t listen.
Lance looked at JiLieYang almost consciously, trying to find some comfort from his most dependent person-the real root doesn’t need Lance to do anything, and the Golden King was easily angered.