9 mins read

Twenty-four minutes to regroup, IG once again attacked from the road, and the super soldiers of the two roads suppressed IG, and continued to play the rhythm of four and one points.

This time, JDG is facing a lot more pressure. If they dare to let go of heshy again, they can help the super soldiers directly tear down JDG base.
The most uncomfortable thing is that there is no way to defend the attack of two super soldiers and green steel shadow by Z Aon alone.
Therefore, the toothpaste lance ranger had to defend with Z. With the lance ranger’s output and Z body, the pressure was much less.
However, the flank pressure is small, and the JDG positive pressure is great. It is impossible for three people to defend IG and four people to attack.
Twenty-five minutes later, the second tower of JDG Road was pushed off, and the IG four soldiers arrived in the city and pushed the soldier line to JDG highland again. Unfortunately, the duration of the big dragon buff was over at this time, giving JDG a chance to clear the soldiers.
LkeN, before the line of Ophiuchus reached the highland, planned to trigger the flamethrower effect by Liyueling to clear the line threatening JDG highland.
However, Rkie clockwork suddenly attacked the golem, and the shock wave crossed from an unexpected position, hitting Ephesus LkeN and being pulled back directly.
Ah Shui didn’t hesitate. Verus took the big move and quickly clicked two points, and then an arrow pierced the heart and directly killed Ephesus.
Rkie and Ashui Highland Tower started work. expect the unexpected, by the time everyone reacted, Ephelius had evaporated.
"LkeN was seconds! Clockwork pulled a beautiful big move, which is very deadly. JDG is afraid that the last highland will be lost. "
Guan Zeyuan touched the bar with his right hand. He felt that the game was over because the frontal battlefield battle continued. After the spike of Ephesus, the situation once again entered the harvesting rhythm of Verus.
The chain of corruption spread to the blind monk and the hammer stone body. Kanavi tried to escape from the battlefield by touching his eyes, but was slowed down by Baolan’s big move. Then IG Middle Road rushed to JDG Highland like a bamboo.
The blind monk and the hammer stone failed to escape the pursuit of IG and fell to the highland Tavilus. Three by five, divided by two, the JDG highland defense tower and crystal were directly demolished.
The three roads were broken, and JDG root did not have the ability to turn over. The two super soldier lines in Lizhong directly leveled the JDG base crystal.
Congratulations to IG for winning the first game. It was a fierce game, but it was finally reversed by IG.
I remember smiling while Miller was lost in thinking, "JDG has played a good rhythm in the early stage of this game, especially for the canyon pioneer."
"They just breathed a sigh of relief. If that wave of follow-up rhythm can continue JDG, maybe they can really win this game."
Guan Zeyuan joined the discussion when he heard Miller’s analysis of the reasons for JDG’s failure, but he put his target on the middle toothpaste body.
"I don’t think JDG’s hero in this game is too good, so it doesn’t conform to the toothpaste style. Although the toothpaste line is not too inferior, it doesn’t play a corresponding role."
"If you choose a knight errant to develop peacefully, it is better to choose his hero. If the knight errant can play a strong role in the early stage, it may really help JDG to continue this breath."
Miller agreed and nodded. "The toothpaste style doesn’t match the holy gun ranger. Coach Redmi can be more careful when choosing heroes."
For JDG array, there is not much problem in choosing the holy gun ranger. This hero can really give JDG a sigh of relief in the early and middle stages.
However, coach Redmi did not consider that it may not be a suitable choice to choose the holy gun ranger for toothpaste. It is not difficult to see from this game that even JDG is not too big with the holy gun ranger in the early stage of its advantage.
Of course, this is an analysis from the angle of hindsight. The toothpaste, the holy gun and the ranger really didn’t play well, but it is too difficult to do it if you always consider whether the players can play the bp of the coaching staff when choosing heroes.
Maybe coach Redmi will choose to believe him when the toothpaste gun ranger performed well in the training match, but it doesn’t mean that everyone can hit others with Rkie.
It is a bold attempt for coach Redmi to help toothpaste choose the holy gun ranger, but the attempt failed. It is not a good idea to give up eating because of choking.
After the first game, the two teams failed when they entered the intermission. The JDG coaching team entered the stage of intense tactical escape, while Yun Ge let the players relax a little and wait for a game to come.
However, when the injury was announced after the game, Xiao Leyan came to the forefront again, because compared with others, Kindred was actually on the same level as Baolan.
It takes more than 20 minutes to get the highest injury, and Ah Shui has only 20,000 injuries. Normally, Kindred can make sense with 7,000. After all, Xiaoleyan is so poorly developed.
However, after the actual game, there are more than 2,000 injuries caused by Xiaoleyan, which is barely higher than that caused by Baolan Shuguang. This is still the last few waves of rubbing injuries, otherwise the number is even lower.
"Two thousand? Kindred has two thousand injuries? "
"Ghosts and ghosts are actually a tiger!"
"What do you mean, a tiger will talk nonsense again? Your number is gone!"
"Two thousand injuries count as winning the game, and some people are still negative, but I won’t say who it is."
"64 Kindred can also win the game, IG. His players are real cows, and they can also win with a little fun."
"Although he won the game, is it possible to replace Xiao Leyan with such a poor performance?"
When the live broadcast rhythm changed to the IG wild candidate again, it was already seven or seven at halftime. Yun Ge didn’t choose to rock the boat and directly took the IG players to the game.
Yun Ge has never intended to exchange Ning Wang again. Although Xiao Leyan’s performance is poor and his strength is not strong, this season really belongs to his wild core.
Even if Xiaoleyan doesn’t say much, throwing him into the field for stocking is a little better than Ning Wang.
Even if this performance is poor, Kindred Shao helped IG to attract firepower in the early stage. If the blind monk doesn’t catch Kindred, he will definitely go to IG informant.
Yun Ge would rather see Xiao Leyan collapse than see IG line players being caught all the time. If one person has to be sacrificed, why can’t this person be Xiao Leyan?
When Yun Ge led the IG players to step on the field again, the commentary was already in place to prepare for the second bp stage, and the three commentators had a very hot chat.
"Well, I have a good news for you. I just communicated with the director and the referee team-they reviewed the cooperation between heshy and Rkie, and the result was unexpected."
Remember to choose to deliberately sell and often partner with him. Guan Zeyuan has long been accustomed to it. Root did not choose to talk to him, but Miller chose to help him with great interest.
"So what is it?"
According to the pilot, when IG played that wave, the voice of IG was really quiet and there was not much communication.
Even though he has just heard the news, Miller still doesn’t look surprised. He really can’t imagine that without the previous communication, heshy and Rkie can really play such a Uber cooperation.
"If there is no communication, it is purely tacit understanding. This is an unavoidable thing for players. It is said that both heshy and Rkie were on the same channel at that time, even if they didn’t communicate, they could get the message."
Guanzeyuan said that Miller immediately thought of a famous scene and asked in a teasing tone.
"Does this mean the exchange of ideas?"