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The leopard tank is worthy of being called the weapon of victory by the Fuehrer. The new tank Ryan thought silently, and the slightly muddy land walked towards the No.124 tank full of people in the distance.

"Gentlemen!" Arcado proudly said to the capitalists and businessmen around him, "Today is September 2, and the war has entered the 15th day. In 15 days, we swept the western part of Poland, annihilated 450,000 Polish field troops, captured 70,000 people and occupied the whole western part of Poland."
"Hua!" The clapping sounded, and everyone looked at them with admiration. Mr. Fuehrer felt limited about the future of Germany.
Arcado pressed his hand to signal everyone to stop clapping until the palm of his hand became thinner, and then he said, "There are minerals, farmland, population and factories in the vast Polish territory. These are the fruits of your victory!"
This suspicion is that the Fuehrer intends to distribute the vested interests, so everyone applauded more enthusiastically. Everyone thought that this time, glad you came’s property would be used as compensation to repay the government’s arrears to companies and personal debts. Real money from all parts of Poland entered the German treasury to maintain the continuous operation of the German war machine.
"Gentlemen, in order to distribute the strategic resources more fairly and bring benefits after victory, schacht and I have designed a war bond. Please ask my economic adviser, that is, my wife Mercedes." arcado said with a smile, "If you want to buy or exchange Mifu coupons for this war bond, you can contact Minister schacht."
This trick is still learned from arcado’s past life novels to benefit from war bonds to gather people’s wealth in order to support the country’s war of foreign expansion. However, arcado has always believed that this practice is too wishful thinking to make people laugh.
Recently, however, the German economic growth slowed down due to the war, which led to a serious shortage of materials. arcado invited schacht to give it a try and put forward this suggestion. Unexpectedly, schacht appreciated schacht very much. He thought that if people simply took out money to buy government bonds or war bonds, it would obviously be resisted and opposed by many people. However, if Mifu coupons were exchanged for war bonds, the risk would obviously be much smaller.
Anyway, it is impossible to cash future checks immediately. What kind of government mortgage certificate is proved to be no difference to large factories and enterprises, but it is just a strange exchange. For those small enterprises, they have joined the army of producing military supplies with the verbal commitment of the logistics department of the National Defence Force.
Long live the Fuehrer slogan resounded through the hall.
When Ryan came to the side of tank 124, company commander Carter was pulling the wounded out of the tank hatch with several tank soldiers.
"Pull him out! Be careful! Pull it out! " Carter’s No.124 tank was bent over and carefully commanded several tanks with soft hats. Two infantry medics were waiting there next to the tank car, and at their feet, a bloody soldier with a bandage on his face smoked without relying on the tank wheel.
Ryan saw through the gap in the crowd that he was pulling the wounded outside the tank. At least two blood holes in his body were flowing down the black tank system to the crotch position, and then dripping down the heel into the hatch. Ryan knew that the wounded soldier was dead.
Now this hotel lobby has been packed to hold a birthday party for Germany’s highest dignitaries. No one doubts this matter, and no one is still thinking about the German soldiers who died hundreds of kilometers away. Although arcado does think of those who have lost their blood in his mind, he can’t spoil the fun here.
One hundred children from Berlin elementary school lined up in five rows on the stage, and the gorgeous lights reflected these children more lovely, which made people feel holy at a glance.
This is Fanny’s birthday present prepared by arcado deliberately-the scene of children singing poems will be recorded by photos and published in the Fuehrer’s announcement on children’s education.
"The great Fuehrer led us to March forward bravely in the future. You are a gift from the Emperor, and your appearance is our new hope …" Sweet songs are accompanied by a band.
"Poles trying to knot here … yes! The army has detected this intention, "a staff officer pointed to the map and said to his commander." Just got the news that the SS troops were violently attacked, four people were killed and a tank was destroyed. "
"Destroyed?" The commander was stunned and then looked at his staff. "If I remember correctly, we lost five tanks from the war, right? Three were due to mines and two were damaged due to mechanical failure and other reasons. "
This time, it was the first actual shooting of Frederick rocket launcher, and 32 rockets were thrown into the target area in one breath. This volley was equivalent to making a leopard tank body.
However, this kind of weapon is very popular with artillery, because it can let an artillery battalion fire two artillery divisions in just 25 seconds. Many Wehrmacht infantry units are equipped with this new weapon, but it has been kept secret.
This time, I just bumped into a once-in-a-lifetime target, so I no longer implicitly worried about any confidentiality regulations. So this record finally came at the historical moment, the first large-scale self-propelled rocket launcher for automobile chassis in human war.
In the end, the Polish army has not realized that its end is coming. Soldiers are carrying artillery shells with cattle and horses and blocking crowded roads. Because of lack of oil, tanks have to wait in droves for the roadside to let the cross-road cars and livestock go first.
Only now did the Polish commanders realize that the slight confusion during the German blitzkrieg took ten years to learn and understand, and five years to hone their mastery-only those Germans who are famous for their precision can reach the peak of war art.
Now that we are learning and selling Poland, we know how difficult it is to learn all this. We need to allocate fuel, transport ammunition, and double the consumption of firepower. Front-line organization and guidance need experienced people to complete-these aspects need professionals, and Poland does not have such talents …