6 mins read

Wolf clan!

Tens of millions don’t kneel!
They can’t stand the bullying of men this year!
Xuan Ming and Xuansong finally didn’t kneel down because of their perseverance.
He’s a wolf warrior in a different environment. The wolf clan can catch a lot at once, and they can’t bear the man’s momentum this year.
Xuan Ming reluctantly pulled out the Xuan withered from this majesty and felt the sullen atmosphere of the young man coming out of the warship.
Shit, there’s another honour person!
Xuan Ku’s heart thumped-he felt threatened by the appearance of young men.
This year, men and Xuan Ku are different from the venerable one. This venerable one looks at the Wolf clan like a king returning from another plane looking at his own people. This coercion alone can make people bow down!
"Have you untouchables ever seen a human named Su Yu?"
The faint sound resounded through the world.
There is an aloof and wild smell in his voice. It’s high and imposing!
This man is Zeus, that God who was summon by Su Yutong and out of his control!
He is tall, arrogant and wild, even Su Yu and Tong are hard to control. How can he respect these wolves?
He’s a tough guy!
Although the same honour person, Shao Xuan Ku thinks he is no match for this arrogant man.
"untouchable? Do you know that the venerable is also a famous venerable! Do you dare to defile your honour like this because you want to fight? ! Who the hell are you? Which honour person is it! "
The venerable one who came to Xuan Ku was very unhappy today. He had a fight with Di Lao, and no one jumped out with a dragon master!
Forget it when the Dragon Master comes!
But it also revealed a golden decree, which was actually the "myth" to protect the native people who wanted to kill the Wolf clan!
And that damn human native has previously killed their tens of billions of wolf warriors!
It’s always better to wait and die if you come to Xuanku and want Libai to kill Su Yu’s spirit.
But the group of Taoist guardians pretended to be like Sun on weekdays, but suddenly they were unintelligent. After hearing the golden decree, they ran away like burning eyebrows!
Fine, I’ll let you go!
The result!
Now there’s another honour person!
His mouth is cursing ten million wolf untouchables!
Clay figurine still has three points of anger!
I have been a venerable person for many years. Who dares to be so arrogant before you?
"Honour person? You have never seen such a weak person as you. Ask you again, have you ever seen a human named Su Yu? "
Zeus eyebrows a bunch of slightly thoughtfully say a let xuan withered gas vomiting blood three litres of words.
Zeus’s expression has always been aloof and condescending, and even Xuan Ku, the venerable man, is not worthy of attention!
Never seen such a weak person like me? !
Xuan withered almost vomiting blood with anger.
How irritating!
How humbled!
"You want to die!"
The venerable Xuan Ku has suffered such insults since his debut.
Immediately he was angry and wanted to suppress Zeus.
Zeus is a bunch of eyebrows waving, and the energy explodes and instantly lifts the Xuan withered.
The plane automatically hit without Zeus’ signal, while the Xuan withered wolf flew straight in.
Xuan Ku had a dark wound in a fierce battle with Di Lao before, but now he was angered by Zeus in the heyday and suffered a dark loss because of an carelessness! He was banished by Zeus to his plane!
Although Xuan withered life hindered, Zeus’s move made Xuan withered, angry and humiliated to the extreme!
Open honour person was exiled to his plane!
At the same time, Xuan Kuxin is also shocked.
When on earth will Xinghai be so awesome!
"Noisy race is just a beast. I think it’s too late to suppress you."
Zeus spoke a few words with discontent, then turned and glanced at the wolves who were shivering on their knees. He said lightly, "The untouchables ask you again! Have you ever seen a human named Su Yu? "
"Tell me honestly or you will die!"
Zeus’s tone is arrogant to the extreme, and he looks like a natural person.
He doesn’t even care about Su Yu, the host. These wolves?
A bunch of ants. I won’t feel wrong even if I kill your god king!
744. Chapter 744 Follow your words.
"No, I didn’t see it."
Xuan Ming’s eyes twinkled in Zeus’ realm and power, and he tried to deceive Zun again.
But he forgot that Zeus was different from Xuan Ku, and how could he be deceived by a quasi-saint because he was disdainful of foreigners and was a king of God?
What’s more, Zeus has mastered the law of order, and everything can be said without starting work. With his weapon, thunder is a rage that can summon heaven and earth, and thunder is equal to the emperor.
Everything he said will be able to turn it into reality!
This is the power of words!
However, the more similar the power level is, the weaker the restraint effect is; On the contrary, the stronger it is, the greater the consumption will be.
A venerable man as powerful as Zeus has always looked down on all beings. Today, any ant dares to cheat him.
Proud as Zeus, how can you let such a race live!
"Hum! It seems that you haven’t made moves for a long time, and even cats and dogs dare to hide it. "