20 Sep, 2024
"Invisible killer? Yes! " Ghosts firmly replied. [Line of sight shifted to the battlefield] Butterfly turned around and continued to watch the scene change. The body of Bai Jue really…
"It’s me! Master! " Sword windson face gently shaking like wake windson. I feel my face shaking with a sword. Lin Feng’s face is deeply shocked. Is it a sword?…
Tens of millions don’t kneel! They can’t stand the bullying of men this year! Xuan Ming and Xuansong finally didn’t kneel down because of their perseverance. He’s a wolf warrior…
…… "Gentlemen!" Arcado proudly said to the capitalists and businessmen around him, "Today is September 2, and the war has entered the 15th day. In 15 days, we swept the…

Da Damon received a signal to take action, and the Blade slowly sank into the darkness for seven days, saying that it was long or short, and the young people of the Li nationality never stopped chasing the brave heart …

The star rises from the edge of the horizon, because it is too far away, and there is a little sunshine the size of a grain of rice. This cold and imaginary planet can’t get up. Lin momo came to Langqi to personally preside over the promotion. The speed of this ship does not meet […]

10 mins read

"hum? If it weren’t for you garbage, would we die like brothers? It’s the end of humanity not to kill you!

"Leave them a few boxes. Don’t kill those mercenaries who run for their lives. Send the brothers’ bodies back to the Great Sage’s arms and go to the Great Sage’s paradise to take care of them! What will happen to those fleeing mercenaries? Can they live in this forest full of Warcraft? More exciting later, […]

23 mins read

Twenty-four minutes to regroup, IG once again attacked from the road, and the super soldiers of the two roads suppressed IG, and continued to play the rhythm of four and one points.

This time, JDG is facing a lot more pressure. If they dare to let go of heshy again, they can help the super soldiers directly tear down JDG base. The most uncomfortable thing is that there is no way to defend the attack of two super soldiers and green steel shadow by Z Aon alone. […]

9 mins read

High IQ and low EQ are in an environment that is not suitable for their own age, and it is easy to feel lonely, but it will become a tragedy because of the pressure of public opinion and the name of genius

Therefore, the Ministry of Education stipulates that public schools are no longer allowed to skip classes. Drop out of school? Su orange once had this idea, but in the sweet shop, whenever a guest praises her, her mother will show happiness and satisfaction. Maybe in her heart, her daughter is her pride! "The oranges are […]

10 mins read

In the core of the ghost mark, there are black and purple low-light radiation everywhere, which makes the whole thing strange, but these are all cold light and dark light, which is not like the star light, giving people the feeling that it is cold except death.

"Oh my God! Strong radiation, no wonder there are so many mutant insects, "said the incarnate son, flying to the front of the screen to analyze the data. Lin momo sat there smoking seemingly leisurely. In fact, there was a slight crack in his palm, and your eyes were observing the movement outside the ship. […]

17 mins read

She was afraid of the man before, but when she cracked the man’s fantasy, she found a unique advantage. She can make the modern people who came through thousands of years ago understand the modern thinking and high technology with that human law, and she will be invincible forever!

Son of a bitch, come on, you bitches. You want to hurt her? I’m sorry, I’m waiting to collect debts from you! ! At this time, Mo Ruan Ruan is dressing up for the mirror. Her makeup has never been fake. If someone is watching now, she will find that she is just an ordinary-looking […]

6 mins read