21 Sep, 2024
"Invisible killer? Yes! " Ghosts firmly replied. [Line of sight shifted to the battlefield] Butterfly turned around and continued to watch the scene change. The body of Bai Jue really…
"It’s me! Master! " Sword windson face gently shaking like wake windson. I feel my face shaking with a sword. Lin Feng’s face is deeply shocked. Is it a sword?…
Tens of millions don’t kneel! They can’t stand the bullying of men this year! Xuan Ming and Xuansong finally didn’t kneel down because of their perseverance. He’s a wolf warrior…
…… "Gentlemen!" Arcado proudly said to the capitalists and businessmen around him, "Today is September 2, and the war has entered the 15th day. In 15 days, we swept the…

A few days ago, in the street outside Dali Temple, he often missed his words, which showed that his mind had touched him. At least at this time, he must believe that he really wanted to treat her.

I didn’t expect to get the news that Feng Jiang Yi woke up as soon as I turned around. It was ridiculous. He worked hard for such a long time before he finally saw that his attitude towards him had changed a little bit. When he woke up, he always felt that he was homesick […]

7 mins read

Even though he and Alves are both King Qiwuhai and King Dresderosa, strictly speaking, his position is higher than that of Alves, and even if Alves is not an attendant like Eschbach, he chose to meet him in person.

This is not his demeaning act. But to make a decision after sizing up the situation. The new world depends on strength. Even ordinary kings need to have good fighting capacity here. The strength here is that the stronger the status, the higher the status. Eschbach is now famous, especially at close range, and he […]

12 mins read

You have something to say.

Taotao duoduo research market Persimmon sucks. Cover your wallet. Thank you. During the period from 611: 15: 53 to 65: 17: 54, I voted for overlord or irrigated nutrient solution angel ~ Thank you for irrigating 3 bottles of nutrient solution, Angel Twilight; Evans1 bottle; 581,583 bottles; Sleepy, 559131 bottles; Thank you very much for […]

5 mins read

There was a reward when I completed the first single foster care of Dawu Poké mon, but Qiuyuan was just concentrating on checking the Cocodora’s office and didn’t notice it.

This is an achievement unlocking reward, isn’t it? It’s the first time to complete the sales of Poké mon eggs. Foster care achievement award is a green food props exchange voucher, which has been put in the unified warehouse by Qiu Yuan. If the word "food" is removed, Qiuyuan will be very happy, but unfortunately […]

8 mins read

In a short time, when they arrived at the Imperial Garden, they saw a group of princesses around the pavilion, which was very lively.

"What’s so busy? Let’s see." Xiaozha likes to join in the fun. "The Lord is waiting" Qingnu took Xiaozha’s hand. "Oh … then let’s go." Xiao Zagreb suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and seldom spoke so lightly. "Ah …" They haven’t gone far when they hear a scream. It’s a soft voice! Didn’t you leave […]

11 mins read

Smiling, she pulled her hand out of the palm of her hand and said coldly, "No, no matter you watch my jokes, anyway, dad likes you now and you should be proud …"

Ling Shui gently sighed and said, "If Guan Guan is good to Luo Er and Guan Er, you must have no idea in your heart …" "But why are you unhappy now because that person is me?" "Don’t guan guan don’t like me? But I remember that Guan Guan seemed to like me before … […]

7 mins read