21 Sep, 2024
"Invisible killer? Yes! " Ghosts firmly replied. [Line of sight shifted to the battlefield] Butterfly turned around and continued to watch the scene change. The body of Bai Jue really…
"It’s me! Master! " Sword windson face gently shaking like wake windson. I feel my face shaking with a sword. Lin Feng’s face is deeply shocked. Is it a sword?…
Tens of millions don’t kneel! They can’t stand the bullying of men this year! Xuan Ming and Xuansong finally didn’t kneel down because of their perseverance. He’s a wolf warrior…
…… "Gentlemen!" Arcado proudly said to the capitalists and businessmen around him, "Today is September 2, and the war has entered the 15th day. In 15 days, we swept the…

The black rabbit was about to cross the horse’s back when suddenly the earth shook and roared all over the forest. Everyone couldn’t help but look at the river and saw several huge water columns in the distance.

If it is an ordinary game, this is absolutely impossible. "I’m sorry, it seems that it’s better for the black rabbit to go by himself." "Oooo … although I don’t want to let the girl go to the insurance alone … but do you think I’m not qualified?" "But if it happens, I may not […]

8 mins read

Liang Yi in Brigitte Lingtian looked at only three piles of Lingshi hills and shook his head naively. Finally, he made up his mind not to waste time and flew up and sat in one of the Lingshi hills, absorbing the aura from the Lingshi in the operation achievement method.

Five days passed quickly on this day, and suddenly there was a burst of earth shaking in the virtual space of a hill on the periphery of Huangqiu Mountain. Then I saw a colorful vortex suddenly covering the center of the vortex on the hill and quickly broke a virtual channel with a diameter of […]

20 mins read

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and this variable, the Bear Warrior, is like a huge noise that completely washes away the performance that belongs to Yunfenghan.

Where did they come from? They came? How do they find themselves? A series of questions hit the clouds and his head was a little confused. In my ears, bandits are crazy, roaring, scolding and cursing. LiuBiao Shouting "do something now? What to do! " "Shut up!" Yun Feng-han roared angrily, "The battle has been […]

10 mins read

Jason suddenly frowned when he heard Ye Tian’s words. He suddenly waved his hand and sink a way. Since you won’t make it, don’t blame me. Do it.

As Jason roars, four Wang Jie guards move at the same time, respectively, from four directions to Ye Tian. Facing the crazy attack, Ye Tian, the master of Wang Jie, has a calm expression. At this moment, his body really has no energy. The field is not that he can break the ground at present. […]

13 mins read

Although there are still some concerns about windson’s injury, I see Lin Feng’s face full of excitement, and Lin Ye has turned his attention to the field.

Fuxi’s face was shocked and he looked at the demon Kemp coming to himself step by step. Almost every step of Kemp was banging Fuxi’s uneasy mood. Didn’t Kemp die in the fairy war twenty thousand years ago? How come you’re alive in front of yourself now? Fu Xi, who is full of doubts, can’t […]

9 mins read